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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 41 <br /> for Wal-Mart to work cooperatively with the City's Police Department to miti- <br /> gate issues. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that it still didn't address economic costs, and sug- <br /> gested the original language for paying for over 300 calls was better. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the Security Plan recommended by Chief Mathwig be <br /> incorporated; but to retain the one (1) year review and revisit the issue. Mayor <br /> Roe opined that this could put more enforcement into the Plan by mandating the <br /> cost contribution if calls were over 300 per year. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that, if this is a strong consensus of the City Council, <br /> staff would incorporate into the language. However, Mr. Trudgeon expressed <br /> concern in the City appearing to single out Wal-Mart when others were not <br /> forced to pay such a fee; and cautioned that this may be a slippery slope without <br /> a policy in place that would apply to all. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that this provision and a corresponding policy <br /> would absolutely apply to all equally. However, since this project has been fast- <br /> tracked, and this issue has been raised before, it created a need to have it in the <br /> context of this Development Agreement; but a policy would be developed and <br /> apply across-the-board in the immediate future. <br /> At 10:00 p.m. Willmus moved, Johnson seconded, to extend the meeting for two (2)hours. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: McGehee; Pust. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Phil Ramsey,Wal-Mart Asset Protection Manager, based on Coon Rapids, <br /> MN <br /> As he and Chief Mathwig had previously discussed, Mr. Ramsey reviewed <br /> some of the steps taken by Wal-Mart as a company to make sure a good facility <br /> protection plan was in place, using various law enforcement intelligence cur- <br /> rently available. Mr. Ramsey advised that each store was graded based on vari- <br /> ous models for external and internal security expectations and needs, and re- <br /> viewed periodically as that data is reported and recorded, with adjustments <br /> made accordingly as applicable. As an example, Mr. Ramsey addressed light- <br /> ing, noting that it didn't necessarily mean use of a higher voltage for lighting, <br /> and would need to meet Wal-Mart expectations, as well as community regula- <br /> tions. Mr. Ramsey noted that he had worked with the Roseville Police Depart- <br /> ment before on various cases, and he was well aware of their expectations for <br />