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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/28/2012 11:54:07 AM
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8/28/2012 11:54:03 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13,2012 <br /> Page 13 <br /> gleton advised that a final draft of the revised by-laws would be ready for review by <br /> the full HRC at their September monthly meeting, and then forwarded to the City <br /> Council for their consideration. <br /> Chair Grefenberg advised that, once the HRC reviews this draft of the by-laws they <br /> would want to meet with City staff and receive input from the City Council, since <br /> they didn't want to do a lot of additional work if the City Council would radically <br /> revise them; and opined that through working with the City Manager, the HRC <br /> should get a better sense of where they were in agreement, and further fine-tuning <br /> was needed or revisions to the City Ordinance, originally written in 1968 and last <br /> revised in 1975; and needing to address the duties of the Civic Engagement Task <br /> Force. <br /> Chair Grefenberg advised that the HRC had been approached by outside groups <br /> suggesting that the City was not responsive enough, specifically a recent incident <br /> with the City's Police Department and its SWAT Team. Chair Grefenberg opined <br /> that it would be helpful to the HRC to get guidance from the City Council on its <br /> role and to get some sense on specific issues. In the Police Department issue, Chair <br /> Grefenberg advised that the HRC waited until the regular processes had been fol- <br /> lowed; however, he was aware that there were some lingering concerns in the <br /> community that should be addressed without the HRC becoming an overseer of the <br /> Police Department. Chair Grefenberg opined that this had been a problem in the <br /> past, and questioned the preference of the City Council in whether the HRC should <br /> provide a forum for citizens of if they should go through the City Council process. <br /> Member Thao noted that, from her understanding, the SWAT Team issue involved <br /> someone with special needs, not just the police process itself; and suggested a need <br /> to address how to handle mental health issues in those circumstances. <br /> Councilmember Pust concurred that this was exactly the issue. Councilmember <br /> Pust expressed her appreciation for the work the HRC had done to-date; and ex- <br /> pressed her advocacy to think about diversity broadly, including abilities and disa- <br /> bilities across the entire age demographic. Councilmember Pust clarified that this <br /> was in no way a reflection on the Police Department doing things differently; how- <br /> ever, she noted that they admitted and were pursuing more training in similar situa- <br /> tions. Councilmember Pust opined that it would be an appropriate role for the HRC <br /> to be involved in such a process if they were aware of resources; and offered her <br /> personal partnership to the HRC in such future endeavors. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it made sense to partner with any and all City departments <br /> where they could make connections; noting that the City's Fire and Police Depart- <br /> ments are already doing a lot of outreach that may be available for the HRC to tie <br /> into. Mayor Roe noted that HRC facilitating relationship-building among various <br /> interest groups was a great idea; and if adding cultural events and activities to the <br />
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