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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> **Mr. Miller advised that additional staffing costs for the City's Information <br /> Technology (IT) and License Center would be covered by fees for member cit- <br /> ies for IT under Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) language; and staffing for the <br /> License Center would be absorbed by additional revenue from that enterprise. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that staffing at the License Center had been reduced, with a <br /> vacant position left since 2008 when economic conditions impacted everyone. <br /> Mr. Miller reiterated that these additional staffing needs would create no in- <br /> creased cost to residents; and that the increased volume at the License Center <br /> would be more than sufficient to pay for filling that position; and as noted, no <br /> additional taxpayer costs for the IT position either. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that the 2% proposed COLA was on track with peer com- <br /> munities as they settled contracts; and should be sufficient to keep the City <br /> within the marketplace and retain its employee base. Mr. Miller further noted <br /> that an increase of 5%in healthcare was anticipated. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe regarding Budget Impacts related to the 20-year <br /> CIP funding gap and information displayed, Mr. Miller clarified that the $43 <br /> million funding gap is what remains after last year's increased funding; since <br /> that original gap was closer to $100 million. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe regarding the New Obligations or Planned Activi- <br /> ties, Mr. Miller clarified that those were not anticipated when the two-year <br /> budget was developed in 2011. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee regarding the amount of new im- <br /> pacts not previously identified or specifically budgeted for, as noted above and <br /> on page 2 of the RCA, Mr. Miller clarified that they were identified on page 2 <br /> of the RCA, in the amount of$201,720, less $20,000 needed for on-going costs <br /> to be funded by additional tax levy in 2013, for a net difference of$181,720. <br /> Continuing with his presentation, Mr. Miller summarized the 2013 budget pro- <br /> posed at $43.7 million; with $20.0 million in tax-supported funds; and repre- <br /> senting a spending increase in the tax-supported fund of$613,591 or 3.2%; and <br /> a Preliminary Tax Levy at $17,169,935, an increase of $2,297,641 or 14.8%, <br /> and currently excluding the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) <br /> Levy. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus regarding debt service allocation for <br /> the Park Renewal Program and new Fire Station, Mr. Miller advised that the to- <br /> tal financing package was for $27 million, with the first $20 million ($8 million <br /> for the Fire Station; $19 million for the Park Renewal Program) in place, with <br /> $560,000 debt service coming on line the first year, in 2014. <br />