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. �:, r <br />� Extraci of Minutes a� Meeting <br />of City Council <br />City of Roseville <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />Pursuant to due call and notzce thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the City Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, was duly <br />held at the Ci�y HaZZ in said City on Monday, the 27th day o� <br />July , 1981, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br />The fnllowing members were present: �ayar Demos, Caunci�men <br />Curiey, Kehr, �ohnsan and Franke <br />and the fdllawing were absent : r�an� <br />Councilman Cufl�ey introduced the following resolution <br />and moved i.ts adoption: <br />Reso�.ution No . 727 6 <br />RESOLUTION RELATING TO DEFERRAL <br />OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 435.193 authorizes municipalities to <br />provide for the deferral of special assessments for senior <br />citizens 65 years of age or older i� �he payEnent of those special <br />assessments would crea�.e a hardship far the senior citizen <br />propezty owner; and � <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 435.193, as amended, authorizes munici- <br />" pali'�i�s to provide for the de�erral of special assessments ior <br />persons r�tired by virtue o� a permanent and total disability if <br />�.he payment of those speciaZ assessments would create a hardship <br />for the retired�and d�sabled praperty owner; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council. believes that it is the best <br />interest of all o� the citizens of the City of Roseville to estab- <br />Iish a procedure fpr the defezral of specia]. assessments �or � <br />senior citizens and certain retired disabled persons where a hard- <br />ship exists. � <br />NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RE50LVED by t.he City Council of the <br />City of Rosevi�le, M�nnesota, as follows: <br />l. Establishment of De�erral: Pursuant to Minn_ Stat, <br />435.193 et seq., specia assessment installFnent payments payable <br />by senior cztizens and persons retired by vir�ue of permanent <br />and �otal disability are deferred if payment of such znsta7.lmen�s <br />would create a hardship. <br />