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CITY Q� ROSEVILLE <br />AFFIRP�IT'iVE ACTION POLICY <br />� <br />The City's policy and intent is to provide equal opportunity in <br />employment, This poiicy prohibits d.iscrimination because of <br />race, creed, color, national origin, place of residence, disability, <br />marital status, status with regard to pizblic assistance, sex, or <br />age in all personnel policies, programs and practices. This policy <br />applies ta a11 regulax employees and includes, but is not Xzmited <br />to, recruitment, hiring, placement, promotion, demotion or txansfer; <br />lay-o£f, recall or texmination; rates of pay or other forrns of <br />cor!� ensation and selection for training. <br />It is also the policy tp provide equality of opportunity in the use <br />of aiZ City £acilities anc! participatian in Ci.�y-sponsored activities. <br />The City Manager is responsible for implementing this policy. Failure <br />of any employee to perform in a manner consistent with this policy will <br />constitute grounds for reprimand, suspension, de�notion, or dismissal. <br />_ � <br />