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�.. <br />Depa.rtment: Parks F Recreation <br />Policy Title: Recreatiozt Pzvgrams <br />Back rotmd S�atement: The recreation program zs directed. and mar�aged by the <br />�rector, szstant irectar and Girls and 1�'omen's Activities Di.rector. The <br />City emp�oys supervisors, instructoxs and �eadexs to ca.rzy out the classes and <br />programs of the depaxtment. Ciasses and programs are organized according ta <br />the recreational interests ox needs of the xesidents. These interests or needs <br />have changed significantly aver the last several years. For example, tennis <br />has been incxeasing�y�popular, participation in girls sports iias dramatically <br />increased and the organx.zation of senior citizens has created a demand fox <br />xecreational serv-ices. <br />.: Po1i Statement: Yt is the policy of the City to provide a program.of -. <br />. recreationa actzvies that respond to the interests and needs of �11 its <br />-- citizens. Such programs are to be ofFered on�y when �hey cannot be adequately <br />, or a.ppxopriately provided to the citizens of Roseville �ro�n pxivate indzu�duals, <br />- organizations nr enterprise. <br /><; It is also the policy to charge a feE sufficient fio c�ver experises associated <br />' with each prograr.i or activity. Exceptions to �his po� are su�er playgrotutd <br />leader expezises, senior citizen coardinator expenses, mtmicipal batx3exp�ns� and <br />_ municipal choir expense. <br />Pxacedttre 5tatement: The Paxks and Recreation Departiaent puhla.cizes the <br />rec�eatzon programs through the newspapers, City newsietter and mailing of <br />' : b rachures to residents. <br />�,`_. <br />Authori� : The types of program.s offered are approved by the Council through <br />the annual budget process. Adoption of the annual budget is �he basis for imple• <br />rn�enting the recreatian programs. <br />e <br />`�. <br />� <br />R�vi�ned by Cauncil an 3-21 77 <br />