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DEPARTMENT: Paxks and Recreation <br />PQLICY STATEPtENT: Roseville Ynuth Hockey Association <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Roseville Youth Hockey Association was farmed in 1962. It was organized <br />by the Recreation Department to aid in of�ering an opportunity �or boys and <br />girls to play hockey. The organizational stx°ticture was drawn up by the group <br />and approved by the City Attorney. <br />The Roseville Youth Hockey Association hol�s £und raising activities, collects <br />fees fxor� participants, and retains its own bank account. A11 expenses for <br />uniforms, of�icials, etc, are paid from this account. 'I'he Parks anc� Recreation <br />Director ancl the Ice Axena Manap�ex serve on the Boaxd of Directoxs. <br />The original Roseville Youth I3ockey Association included individuals froin <br />surrounding, communities, iVhen the indoor arena was cvnstructed, we established <br />a rul.e anly residents of Roseville eli�;ible to belon� to the Association. <br />Two nonresidents in the pxop�xam at that time were grandfathered into the <br />Association. No nonresidents have been involved since that time. <br />POLICY <br />� It sha�l be the policy of the City of Roseville to cooperate with the Roseville <br />Youth �3ockey Association to the extent of �roviding guidance, printin� of material, <br />outdoor rinks and indoor ice at a xeduced rate, maiiing of infor�ation, schedulin� <br />of ice time, and any activities associated with operation o� the Association. <br />Qrfly residents of School �istrict 623 and residents of any contracting cities <br />(both boys and girls} wil� be given the opportunity to participate in this <br />pro�ram. The Itecreation Director and Ice P4ana�er will serve on the Board of <br />Directors. Nonresidents of Roseville wi1Z be required to pay a nonresident fee. <br />The Roseville Xouth Hockey Association shall collect £ees, retain a bank account, <br />and pay operation costs incurred in operating this pro�;ram. All persons on the <br />Board of Directors and the coaches shall serve as volunteers and receive no <br />cor.�ensation. _ <br />* .. <br />AUTHQRITY <br />The Roseville Youth Hockey Association was created by the Parks and Recreation <br />Departr�ent. The City Attorney was involved in prep aration of its constitution. <br />'The City Council has not (to my knowZedge) �iven this group any o�ficial <br />sanction, nor do T feel it necessary. <br />� <br />