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� ,: DEPA�]T: Parks and Recreati.on <br />POLICY TYTLE: Youth Tackle Footbal2 Program <br />BACKCROi3ND STATENlE�TT <br />�e youth tackle football program offe.xed by the Parks arzd Recreation <br />Depar�ment is designed to serve all residents and School District 623 <br />youth between the 3rd and 8�h grades. Yauth are divided into thr�e <br />divisions: Pbny Div.ision for 3rd and 4th grades, Ci�b Division for 5th <br />and 6th graders and Midget Division for 7th and 8th graders. <br />Zhe program is c3irected by a Eaard of Directors made up of 14 elected <br />officers. Participants are rharg�ed a fee which includes a garre j�rsey, <br />pmte�tive mouthpiece, helmet and a color team photo. <br />Sched.uling includes three weeks of practice prior tA the first game <br />:_and an eight weeks schedule. _ - ,:'. <br />� A fimdraisex is held each year tr� defray the nart-; cipar�t's �gistratzon <br />cost. Nbney from this enables the Associatzon to purchase he7.mets and <br />at-her needed ��;pment. �is p�ogram is entire�y self-supporting. <br />POL2CY STATEMENri' - . � _ . - . _ : . �. <br />It is the policy af the city to organize and administer a youth footba�l <br />��=- program to develop basic fimdamentaZ skills and t,o insure each partici- <br />pant receives equal playing time in both practice sessions and all gam�s. <br />..���I�I� ' Y' �I�I�I�,MM <br />�e Parks and R,�creatian Iae�pari�nt publicizes the youth faotball pragram <br />through fihe n�aspapers, ciiy news7.etter and the seasonal program broch�res <br />that are mailed to all resid�nts of the city. In addztion to �his, flyers <br />are sent ta a11 schools for distribut3on. <br />AUl'fiORITY <br />�enditures for�this program are approved by the Ci.ty C,�uncil through the <br />annual budget process. <br />� <br />