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i <br />� <br />DEPA�ID.VT: <br />POLICY TITI.�E: <br />BACKG%J[]ND STATEP�VT <br />Parks anr� Recreation <br />Youth Socc�x Associati.on <br />Zhe youth soccer program otfered by the Parks and Recreat.ion Departirent <br />is designed to se.xve ali residenf and School District youth between the <br />ages of 8 throuqh Z6 years. Youth are divid�d into three age groups <br />or divisions: <br />a) 8 throuc� 10 years <br />b} 1]. through 13 yP�r� <br />c) 34 throuc� 1.6 years <br />�he pmgram wi�.l be gov�rned by a board of elected officers. Participants <br />are charged a fee which includes a team jexsey, txurilcs and sock.s, <br />_ Schedu].es for a].1 divisions wi�l be approxi��t,e1y 22 weeks in length � _ <br />_. bega.nning in late k�y and ending the first week in August. 7�e fees from . <br />this program willl be sufficient to cover a11 program costs, thus makinq <br />i� sel.�-supporti.nq, <br />- <br />PULICY STATIIKII�]T --. , � ; � - . _ . _ _ . <br />It �s the policy o� the city t�a organize and administe� a youth soccer <br />G.� program ta help develop the fund�rental skills and techniques of soccer <br />and teach team play and sports�t�anship. It wiil be the duty of the depart <br />ment to insure that each child garticipating will be gi�n fair and equal <br />PZaying t� in both practice and games. <br />r' •�4�1�i� 1:� V_ Y�lul�l►Y <br />The Parks and Recreation Depa�rent publicizes the youth saccer progxam <br />throuc� the newspapers, city newsle�ters and the seasonal pragram broChures <br />that are mai�ed t�a all residents of the City of Rflseville. In addition to <br />this, flyers ara sent to a71 schools for distribution. <br />AU'IHORITX <br />�- <br />�enditures for this program are appxoved by the City CounciZ t-hrough the <br />annnal budg�t process. <br />� � <br />