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� <br />It is critical that these positions receive some iype of training to understand methods <br />of recruztment and to focus more efforts toward recruitmern. Job descriptians should <br />aIso note the recruitment aspects of the position. The Department also should <br />encourage its members who aze members of protected classes to assist in ident�fying <br />potential job candidates, and even create mentoring programs yvith these o�cers for <br />interested persons. <br />Note that there will be a cost to the City whenever training or recruiting replaces <br />cegular patrol duties. <br />� Recruitin �'n Points <br />(Note: The City of Roseville has no residency requirement fpr these positio�) <br />The Departmet�t recognizes that id�cation of po#ential ap�i���, w}�e crucial to <br />the hiring process, is only a beginning. If the Departm�t ��ot offer the potential <br />candidate a point of ineaningful interaction with poIice o�cers and sta.� and direct <br />exposure to police work, recruitment efforts will be in vain_ 'I'herefare, every effort <br />will be made to channel recruits into one or more of the following "entr5, points". <br />1) Cammunity Service O�cer {paid position); Community Service O�cers <br />(CSOs) provide sugport sez-vices to patrol officers, investigators, office staff <br />and City Administration, and serve as RoseviIle's AnimaI Control Officers. <br />The City provides trainin�, equ�pment and uniforms, Responsibilities include <br />transporting prisoners to detention facilities, enfarcing City Ordinances <br />through the issuance of Administrative 4ffense tickets, delivering citations <br />and other documents to Raznsey Distr�ct Court, delivering evidence specimens <br />�to various crime laboratories, tra$c control, handling telephone and wallc-in <br />calls from the public, tracicing false alarm calls and sending iallow up letters <br />to o$'enders, and handling virtually all calIs to the Department regarding both <br />domestic and wild animals. <br />CSOs are considered temporary seasonal employees of the City. The�r term <br />of emgloyanent is generally limited to the period of time during which the <br />employee is attending school for the gurpose of attaining a�aW enforcement <br />position; the term of employment may be extended at management's <br />discretion. The cucrent salary is $6.50 per hour. <br />New I»itiative: Tncrease base hourly wage to $7.50/hour during a thres- <br />rnonth probation period; increase to $8.00/ho�r on3y after successful <br />prabation period; pernut increase to $9.40/hour based on performanc� and <br />assumptian of admuustrative duties and responsibslities, and allow Ionger term <br />employment and/or permarient part-ti�ne status. (Note: This may require an <br />cnnendment io the Ciiy Code allowing a exemption for this type o, f temparary <br />employee.j <br />2) Summer Bilre puirol {paid position): This positiott offers fIexible hours and <br />AAP/ 2 <br />