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Quali#ative Benefits Executive Summary <br />General Go�err�ment and Administration <br />• Both cities would �njoy a higher degree of independence shouid economics force the legislature to <br />requ�re mergers. <br />• Opportunities to maximize the use of school facili#ies and community facilities will increase as <br />Roseville and Fal�on Heights cooperate at increased levels. <br />• As cooperation increases, the political role of citizens of both cities will be strengthened on both the <br />country and state levels. <br />• Under a merger, Falcon Heights taxpayers would reduce their exposure to s#ate aid decreases by <br />accessing the commercial and industrial tax base in Roseville. <br />• Under a merger, Fioseville taxpayers would spread their administrative costs over a larger population, <br />thereby reducing per capita expenses. <br />� <br />ROS-0417 - 3430 - Working Dralt <br />