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<br /> 84 <br />B. Network Trips: 85 <br />1. Development limitations based on Network Tr ips are hereby established in Section E 86 <br />below for each Block within the Twin La kes Overlay District. The development 87 <br />limitations have been established by dete rmining the number of Network Trips 88 <br />attributable to each Bloce based upon the p.m. peak hour trips generated from each 89 <br />such Block as determined by the (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook, Eighth Edition in 90 <br />the manner described in the TLIIR. 91 <br />2. The Network Trips specified in Secti on E below are the maximum number of 92 <br />Network Trips that may be generated by each Block within the Twin Lakes Overlay 93 <br />District. Development that exceeds the allo cated number of Network Trips generated 94 <br />on any Block may only be constructed if concurrent Road Infrastructure 95 <br />Improvements are provided and paid for by the property owner(s) in accordance with 96 <br />Section C below. 97 <br />3. Uses existing on the effective date of this ordinance that generate greater Network 98 <br />Trips than are allowed for such Block may c ontinue to exist as a nonconforming use. 99 <br />No expansion of such nonconforming use sh all be allowed without compliance with 100 <br />this ordinance. 101 <br />4. Allowable Network Trips are not a propert y right and may not be transferred to 102 <br />another Block. 103 <br />C. Restriction on development: The roadway infra structure is not adequate for development 104 <br />within the Twin Lakes Overlay District in excess of the Network Trips allowed in Section 105 <br />E. Therefore, development which exceeds th e Network Trips set fo rth in Section E is 106 <br />premature at this time. In order to pr ovide adequate roadwa y infrastructure for 107 <br />development which will generate Network Trip s in excess of what is allowed in Section 108 <br />E, it will be necessary to construct the Roadway Infrastructure Improvements described 109 <br />in the AUAR and TLIIR. Therefore, develo pment on a Block that would exceed the 110 <br />number of Network Trips allocated to su ch Block by Section E below may only be 111 <br />constructed if the Roadway Infrastructure Improvements described in the AUAR and 112 <br />TLIIR to accommodate the redevelopment of the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area are 113 <br />provided and/or paid for by th e property owner(s) of such Block by one of the following 114 <br />methods: 115 <br /> 116 <br />1. The property owner(s) enter into a voluntary development agreement which includes 117 <br />the payment of the Twin Lakes Roadway Cost Allocation amount allocated to the 118 <br />Block being developed in the manner set fort h in Section D below. The decision of a 119 <br />property owner to enter into a development agreement shall be completely voluntary 120 <br />and optional on the part of property owner(s ) of the Block to be developed. This 121 <br />option is not intended to require prope rty owner(s) to ente r into involuntary 122 <br />development agreements, but rather to gi ve property owner(s) a method by which 123 <br />proposed development involving inadequate roadway infrastructure can be made 124 <br />adequate by way of voluntary development agreements. 125 <br /> 126