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<br />ordinances, policies and best management practices related to stormwater runoff 240 <br />with respect to such Block. 241 <br />C. The property owner(s) of the Block to be developed shall comply with the park 242 <br />dedication requirements of the City with respect to the Block being developed. 243 <br />D. If development on a Block converts native land cover types to an altered cover type, the 244 <br />property owner(s) of such Block shall mitigat e the conversion by restoring native cover 245 <br />types on the Block, and to the extent the na tive land cover types within any portion of 246 <br />Langton Lake Park are alte red by such development, in Langton Lake Park. 247 <br />E. The property owner(s) of the Block to be developed shall work with the City to 248 <br />implement the applicable planning principl es of the 2001 Twin Lakes Business Park 249 <br />Master Plan to mitigate cumulative impacts of development within the Twin Lakes 250 <br />Redevelopment Area with respect to development on their Block. 251 <br />F. The property owner(s) of the Block to be developed will wo rk with the City to integrate 252 <br />travel demand management plans to reduce th e number of vehicles on area roadways. 253 <br />G. The property owner(s) of the Block to be developed will incorporate into any 254 <br />development on such Block, sidewalks, trails , pedestrian amenities, parks and open space 255 <br />to provide greenway/wildlife corridors to encourage more pedestrian trips and fewer 256 <br />vehicle trips in the area. 257 <br />H. The property owner(s) of the Block to be de veloped will submit photographs and note the 258 <br />construction dates for any build ings over 50 years old on such Block, and submit them to 259 <br />the State Historical Preservation Office for in itial assessments. The property owner(s) of 260 <br />any Block within the jurisdiction of Minne sota Statutes § 138.01 et . seq. shall comply 261 <br />with the requirements of the Stat e Historical Preservation office. 262 <br /> 263 <br />1022.05: PERMITS AND APPROVALS 264 <br />All necessary permits and other required approvals shall be obtained for any work or 265 <br />construction to be performed within the Twin Lakes Overlay District, including the permits, 266 <br />where applicable, set forth in the AUAR Mitigation Plan. 267 <br /> 268 <br />1022.06: APPLICABILITY OF OTHER CI TY ORDINANCES AND POLICIES 269 <br />All City ordinances and policies shall be follo wed in the review and approval of development 270 <br />projects within the Twin Lakes Overlay Distri ct. The provisions of this Chapter shall not 271 <br />preclude or replace the applicati on and requirements of any other Ti tle, Chapter or Section of the 272 <br />Roseville City Code or the provisions of any St ate Statute, including but not limited to land 273 <br />dedications authorized under Mi nnesota Statutes § 462.358. All such other Titles, Chapters and 274 <br />Sections shall apply in addition to, and not in lieu of, this Chapter. 275 <br /> 276 <br />1022.07: CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIO NS FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE 277 <br />TWIN LAKES OVERLAY DISTRICT 278 <br />The following shall apply to appl ications involving development w ithin the Twin Lakes Overlay 279 <br />District: 280 <br /> 281