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Roseville 2012-2015 Parks and Recreation Renewal Program <br /> Public engagement strategy <br /> N� Page 7 <br /> Imaging Roseville 2025, a well-supported and far-reaching view of what the Roseville <br /> community will be as we move into the future. <br /> With dollars in place and a master plan to guide us, the Parks and Recreation Department <br /> is looking for guidance from residents and parks stakeholders as improvements are <br /> framed for the community's parks. We have scheduled meetings to consider <br /> improvements at<<<insert park name>>>for: <br /> ➢ <<<insert time, date, and place for meeting 1>>> <br /> ➢ <<<insert time, date, and place for meeting 2>>> <br /> At the first meeting, Parks and Recreation staff and their consultants will present initial <br /> ideas for improvements in the park. You will be asked to help staff better understand <br /> any issues present at the park and to assess the viability of initial ideas. Using input from <br /> this meeting, our consultants will develop a concept plan that will be shared at the <br /> second meeting. <br /> <<<insert park name>>> is a part of your neighborhood. We hope that you can find the <br /> time to share your thoughts and ideas during both of these meetings. Through this <br /> process,we believe our community will become a more vibrant and attractive place to <br /> live and play. <br /> You can find more information about the Parks and Recreation Renewal Program on the <br /> city's website at httL.// On the city's home <br /> page,just click on the "Parks & Recreation Renewal Program"tab on the left side of the <br /> screen. <br /> We look forward to seeing you at these meetings. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <<<invitation from staff, Parks and Recreation Commission, mayor???>>> <br />