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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/5/2013 9:52:14 AM
Creation date
2/15/2013 8:28:58 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> that the sidewalk not be installed on the south side. Ms. Bloom provided three (3) <br /> different scenarios specific to sidewalks with the project. <br /> Scenario 1 = $55,030.80 to construct a new sidewalk on the entire length of the <br /> south side of the street <br /> Scenario 2 = $23,090.54 to construct a new sidewalk from Lexington Avenue to <br /> Churchill Street <br /> Scenario 3 = $17,456.36 for no new sidewalk construction <br /> Ms. Bloom reviewed the total cost for the City of Roseville portion of the joint <br /> project at $994,461.72; and cost breakdowns for those not assessed at <br /> $453,667.32 (sidewalk at $55,030.80; water main at $209,902.00; sanitary sewer <br /> at $22,000.00; street costs for a 10-ton street at $107,560.53; and associated engi- <br /> neering costs at $59,174.00. Based on the City's current front foot assessment <br /> formula, Ms. Bloom noted that this represented a total cost of$2,214.13 per foot <br /> for assessable frontages, and as per Assessment Policy, indicated $122.12 per foot <br /> for 50%of that cost per foot for property owners. <br /> Ms. Bloom clarified that, at this point, these costs represented "up to" costs; with <br /> appraisals recently completed to provide the special benefit test based on market <br /> values; and recommendations based on those appraisals for $60 per foot assessa- <br /> ble for single-family residential properties, and up to $90 per foot assessable for <br /> the Lutheran of the Resurrection Church. Ms. Bloom further noted recommenda- <br /> tions for the twenty-five unit apartment building at $90 per foot assessable; and <br /> commercial properties assessed at $110 per foot. Ms. Bloom reiterated that these <br /> costs were based on the recommended engineering estimates, and would be ad- <br /> justed based on actual construction costs upon completion of the reconstruction <br /> project, with those actual costs, typically lower than estimates, what assessments <br /> would ultimately be based upon. <br /> Ms. Bloom reviewed specific corner properties at Churchill and Chatsworth <br /> Streets, and staff recommendations based on front footage assessments done in <br /> 1995 when a previous reconstruction project had occurred. <br /> Ms. Bloom noted that deferral options were available for qualified homeowners of <br /> homesteaded properties who were 65 years or older, retired by virtue of a disabil- <br /> ity, or where payment would create a significant hardship; with any deferrals ac- <br /> cruing interest and becoming payable upon sale or transfer of the property. <br /> Ms. Bloom reviewed the funding for the City of Roseville portion of the joint pro- <br /> ject, with the street qualifying for Minnesota State Aid (MSA) funding: <br /> MSA funds = $552,045.22 <br /> Assessments = $139,976.10 <br /> City Engineering = $329,186.30 <br />
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