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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> If the project is approved, and the Cities of Shoreview and Roseville concur, Ms. <br /> Bloom advised that the project would be timed to coordinate with school sched- <br /> ules and their summer school sessions. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Bloom confirmed that the as- <br /> sessments would be at 6% over a fifteen (15) year period, with payments applied <br /> to 2014 property taxes, unless deferred through means testing, based on the same <br /> rate and term. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thanked Ms. Bloom for her presentation; and sought <br /> clarification for the timeframe for property owners to apply for deferral, with Ms. <br /> Bloom advising that the period was from when assessment notices would be sent <br /> in September of 2014 until the assessments were certified to Ramsey County in <br /> November of that same year. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included possible realignment of a <br /> portion of side streets in the project area, with insufficient rights-of-way available <br /> to do so as determined in discussions among the cities; stop signs at the intersec- <br /> tion of Chatsworth and County Road D not meeting warrant requirements; current <br /> parking on both sides of County Road D versus proposed parking standards as an <br /> MSA-funded roadway, and changes in jurisdiction from Ramsey County as a <br /> turnback road in the mid-1990's to City jurisdiction; current abrupt ending of the <br /> south side sidewalk along the Church's west property line; and current crosswalk <br /> areas as designated on displayed maps. <br /> Ms. Bloom reviewed staff's recommendations for sidewalk and crosswalk place- <br /> ments based on safety concerns, and the roadways status as a regional corridor as <br /> identified in the Pathway Master Plan, and under discussion for some time by the <br /> City's Parks and Recreation Commission for connectivity goals, with it recom- <br /> mended for installation but not shown as a high priority in the overall Master <br /> Plan. <br /> Further discussion included speed boards and school speed zones and timing of <br /> that programmable signage; preference for sidewalks rather than trails/pathways <br /> adjacent to residential properties and staff recommendations for a six foot (6') <br /> wide sidewalk versus wider eight foot (8') detached pathway, and the need for a <br /> City Council Policy discussion related to final design of this corridor and current <br /> opportunities versus potential future retrofit for a sidewalk; and Rose- <br /> ville/Shoreview City staff not recommending any enhanced or decorative cross- <br /> walks based on cost considerations, with a simple striped crosswalk the recom- <br /> mendation. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Bloom reviewed storm water <br /> drainage recommendations for a catch basin into pipes and infiltration trenches in <br /> the ground for filtering and pretreatment. Ms. Bloom advised that property owner <br />