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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/5/2013 9:52:14 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 15 <br /> cumstances. Mr. Kusler opined that a sidewalk on both sides of the street would <br /> be redundant, since he and his family crossed County Road D all the time to ac- <br /> cess that sidewalk. Mr. Kusler asked that the City spend tax monies wisely to <br /> provide reliable utilities, and to ensure that the City of Shoreview planners were <br /> containing their costs to avoid further impacts to Roseville residents. <br /> Brian Stendquist, 1022 County Road D W <br /> Mr. Stendquist expressed three (3) concerns: the size of the assessment relative to <br /> the cost for neighbors across the street on the Shoreview side; his concurrence <br /> with Mr. Kusler and lack of support for a sidewalk on the south side of County <br /> Road D, and in support of alternatives for sections of sidewalk offered by City <br /> Engineer Bloom from Churchill Street to Lexington Avenue versus other options; <br /> and the current speed challenges along the street, opining that 30 mph would be <br /> much more reasonable than 35 mph. <br /> Brad Wiggins, 932 W County Road D <br /> Ms. Wiggins spoke in support of the sidewalk due to the church and school on <br /> County Road D and nearby parks, and safety concerns for students and elderly <br /> residents currently walking in the street. Mr. Wiggins noted that the street would <br /> not be reconstructed for another 30-50 years, and future residents and their long- <br /> term needs should be taken into consideration as well as those of current residents <br /> based on changing demographics in the community. Mr. Wiggins concurred with <br /> comments about speed along the roadway, opining that lower speed limits and <br /> speed signs used beyond school hours may address problems of those exceeding <br /> 38 mph. Mr. Wiggins noted problems with show plowing on the Shoreview <br /> sidewalk, due in part to the poor condition and/or alignment, expressing hope that <br /> this situation would be remedied with new installation and more cost-effective to <br /> do now as part of the project. <br /> Brian Johnson,3114 Churchill Street <br /> Mr. Johnson expressed concerns with driveway access and sidewalk installation <br /> as it related to bikers and pedestrians and sign issues. Mr. Johnson sought clarifi- <br /> cation on the 85th percentile for speeds at 38 mph addressed by Ms. Bloom versus <br /> the written speed of 43 mph, and which was correct. Mr. Johnson also sought in- <br /> formation on the life expectancy for a seven (7) ton versus a ten (10) ton road, and <br /> questioned if seven (7) ton would not be sufficient. <br /> Nancy Messer, 1022 County Road D <br /> Ms. Messer opined that there existed a nice community on this street that valued <br /> its neighborhood character. Given the age of the current property owners on both <br /> sides of the street, Ms. Messer opined that there would only be a few property <br /> owners paying the assessments if deferrals were granted; and further opined that <br /> this created an inequity that was not conducive to build the type of community <br /> they currently had and preferred to maintain along County Road D. <br />
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