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distance of these activities. The College is responsive to comments from residents regarding noise <br />levels generated from these facilities. <br />To minimize noise impacts to the surrounding areas during construction, all x�ork will he done <br />between the hours of 7: 00 a.m. and 7: 00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and beriveen 8: 00 a.m. and <br />5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, including starting and warming up equipment, loading and unloading <br />equipment, and materia! delivery operatians. Work outside of these hours and on holidays is permitted <br />only with prior written authorization by the City Engineer(s) of Arden Hills and Roseville. <br />During construction ojthe proposed Project, fugitive dust is a potential air quality impact. The <br />Contractor will take special care in providing and maintaining dusf control operutions appropriate for <br />the prozimity and geographic location of the site to residential homes and other nearby developed and <br />active facilities. To reduce the dust, sweeping, and watering of construction sites will be performed as <br />needed. Digging, bac�lling, and boring will take place for the limited duration needed to complete <br />construction. <br />25. Nearby resources. Are any of the following resources on or in proximity to the site'? <br />Archaeological, historica( or architectural resources? X Yes No <br />Prime or unique farmlands or land within an agricultural preserve? _Yes X No <br />Designated parks, recreation areas or trails? X Yes _ No <br />Scenic views and vistas? Yes X No <br />Other unique resources? _Yes X No <br />If yes, describe the resource and identify any project-related impacts on the resource. Describe any <br />measures to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. <br />History/Architecture. The SHPO response (see Attachment 14) indicated that there are two historic <br />features in the surrounding area. Neither of these sites are drrectly adjacent to the project area and <br />because of their location and distance from the College, there will not be any impacts to these historic <br />structures as a result of this project. <br />Designated Parks. In Roseville, Oasis Park, located oJf of Counry Road C2W, is within 1/4 mile south <br />of the project site. This is classtfied as a neighborhood park and consists of approximately 15.4 acr-es <br />of park land. This park area is not located adjacent to the project site and there will not be any <br />impacts to the park. <br />26. Visual impacts. Will the project create adverse visual impacts during construction or operation? Such <br />as glare from intense lights, lights visible in wilderness areas and large visible plumes from cooling <br />towers or exhaust stacks? X Yes No <br />If yes, expiain. <br />With the proposed improvements to the College, there will inevitably be some changes to the visual <br />landscape that now e,xists. While there wi[l be removal of some plant materials, the intent is to save as <br />much existing vegetation as is practical. In some areas, plantirtgs wi11 be replaced or relocated, and in <br />other areas, new vegetation will be established. As part of the overall landscaping plan, the College <br />wil! choose plant species which can provide variery, focus, and ultimately help beaut� the campus by <br />providing enhancement to the overal! campus design. Where possible, the College will use native <br />species to improve water quality. The campus will also continue its program to reduce invasive <br />species, especially buckthorn. The College will work with the cities to incorporate a tree replacement <br />program as parl of the overall landscaping plan. Landscaping plans will address requirements of PUD <br />approval, such as screening jor setback areas and maintenance plans to retain effective screening and <br />assist in noise and light mitigation measures. <br />Defined lighting plans will be provided as plans for each building are designed. The College intends to <br />meet and exceed standards with regard to neighboring properties and lighting design standards ror <br />Pnge 14 <br />