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air quality standards. Neither the EAW form nor the Guidelines have been updated to reflect this <br />change in state law. <br />Emission levels due to increases in site-generated traffzc are anticipated to remain within ihe <br />Minnesota ambient air quality standards of 30 parts per million and 9 parts per million for one-hour <br />and eight-hour time averages, respectively, for carbon monoxide (CO). Baseline air quality levels near <br />the site have not been monitored and predictive air quality models have not been developed for this <br />site as a result. However, based on the tra�c model SimTraffic, carfion monaxide emissions at the two <br />study intersections most affected 6y new campus trips either decreased (by 60% at Lydia <br />Avenue/College entrance) or marginally increased (by 6% at Lydia Avenue/Snel/ing Avenue) under the <br />Year 2018 cumulative scenario with mitigation measures (cited under # 21) implemented, compared to <br />2018 background conditions. <br />23. Stationary source air emissions. Describe the type, sources, quantities and compositions of any <br />emissions from stationary sources of air emissions such as boilers, exhaust stacks or fugitive dust <br />sources. Include any hazardous air pollutants (consult EAW Guidelines for a listing) and any <br />greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) and ozone-depleting chemicals <br />(ch(oro-fluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons or sulfur hexafluoride). Also describe <br />any proposed pollution prevention techniques and proposed air pollution control devices. Describe the <br />impacts on air quality. <br />The only source of emissions would come from the existing powerhouse building which contains a <br />centra/ heating and cooling system. This system operates on natural gas with an interruptible service <br />program. This program allows for interruption of the provision o. f natural gas and the transfer to <br />burning fuel oil until »atural gas supplies are replenished. Last year, nalural gas service ran <br />uninterrupted. This year, service was interrupted jar five days where fuel oil was burned in place of <br />natura! gas. <br />No new permanent stationary sources of air emissions are proposed for this project. No hazardous air <br />pollutants are anticipated including greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting chemicals. No permanent <br />impacts on air guality are anticipated. <br />24. Odors, noise and dust. Will the project generate odors, noise or dust during construction or during <br />operation? X Yes No <br />If yes, describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities or intensity and any proposed measures to <br />mitigate adverse impacts. Also identify locations of nearby sensitive receptors and estimate impacts on <br />them. Discuss potential impacts on human health or quality of life. (Note: fugitive dust generated by <br />operations may be discussed at item 23 instead of here.) <br />Odor problems are not anticipated with the proposed Project. <br />The College has several policies in place to mitigate noise impacts from the campus. Campus curfews <br />are in place to minimize noise generated by the residence halls and students on campus. Trash pick-up <br />and deliveries are permitted only during acceptable operating hours according to City mning <br />regulations. <br />The announcement systems for the sports ftelds on campus operate on an intermittent basis. These <br />facilities operate at standard levels for a public announcement system and the duration of these <br />activities are related to the activities held at the sports fields. The MPCA has standard noise guideli��es <br />which approzimate decibel levels for several noise sources. With decibel levels of conversationa! <br />speech estimated at 60 dB, heavy truck traffic at 80 dB, a rock and roll concert at I20 dB, and a jet <br />engine ai 140 dB. The public announcement system an campus would fa/1 within an approximate 90 dB <br />level. While this level is high for the residential surrounding land uses, the distance to the surrounding <br />��esidential area and the duration of the noise factors into the overall noise impact. The noise <br />generated from these facilities is a current condition. Completion of the project should not make a <br />sign�icant change to the current noise impact to lhe surrounding areas considering the duration and <br />Page 13 <br />