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the intersection. At Lydia Avenue/College entrance overall operations would fall to LOS F with the <br />southbound (College outbound) approach operations falling to LOS F with nearly eight minutes of <br />delay per vehicle. The Snelling Avenue intersections would fie expected to operate ahout the same in <br />Year 2018, with or without the college expansion. <br />To improve operating conditions under Year 2018 Cumulative Conditions (i.e., Campus Master Plan <br />_full buildout case) the following mitigation measures are suggested: <br />1. Implementing a traff c signal nt Fairview Avenue/Lydia Avenue with an exclusive southbound left <br />turn lane of 250 feet; <br />2. Directing outbound right turns and inbound left turns to and_from the wesl via the Northx�estern <br />College west gate during the p.n:. peak hour,- <br />3. tldding an exclusive I50 foot right turn lane at Lydiu/College entrcance to facilitate safe <br />maneuvers for college-bound vehicles; <br />4. One additional exclusive eastbound left turn /ane at Snelling Avenzre/Lydra Avenue with /eft turn <br />lanes extended to 200 feet. <br />S. One additional eacclusive eastbound left tzrrn lane at Snellin�� Avenue/County Roud C-2 with left <br />turn lanes extended to 200 feet. <br />6. Developing a Travel Demand Managemerzt Plarz (TD� for campus students, staff, and <br />employees. <br />With the mitigation measures suggested in 1 through S above, traffrc operations would improve <br />signiftcantly at the Lydia Avenue/Fairview Avenue and Lydia Avenue/College entrance intersections. <br />At Lydia/Fairview overall operating conditions would improve from LOS D to LOS B in the p.m. peak <br />hour and at Lydia/College entrance the overall intersect[on improves from LOS F to LOS B; the <br />southbound approach for vehicles exitirrg campus would continue to operate at LOS F, but at a mzich <br />reduced average delay of only S1 seconds, just beyond the LOS E threshold of 50 seconds. <br />Further reductions in delay and queuing at the Lydia Avenue/College entrance and other study <br />intersections could be achieved by developing a Travel Demand Management (TDM) Plan. This would <br />include various College institutional measures such as implementing staggered class hours during the <br />p.m. peak period (4: 00 to 6: 00 p.m.) and delaying the start times for the adult evening classes. The ju11 <br />benefit of these mitigation measures would require further analysis beyond the scope of the Traffic <br />Impact Study, but it is plausible that the resulting beneftts could offset the need to direct traffrc via the <br />west gate during the p.m. peak hour. The TDMPIan will establish goals for maintaining specific p.m. <br />peak hour trip levels. Progress toward meeting these TDMgoals wil! be monitored on a biennial basis <br />and adjustments to the mitigation measures will be made based on that progress. Please see the Traffic <br />Impact Study attached to Attachment 7, the PUD Report completed by the College in 2007, for more <br />detail. <br />22. Vehicle-related air emissions. Estimate the effect of the project's traffic generation on air quality, <br />including carbon monoxide levels. Discuss the effect of traffic improvements or other mitigation <br />measures on air quality impacts. Note: If the project involves 500 or more parking spaces, consult <br />EAW Guidelines about whether a detailed air quality analysis is needed. <br />As noted in the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board's EAW Guidelines, the 500 parking space <br />threshold referenced in the EAW form relates to the Minnesota Pollution Contro! Agency's (MPCA) <br />now repealed Indirect Source Permit (ISP) program. Under now repealed MPCA rules, projects with <br />more than S00 spaces may have required an ISP, which would r•equi�-e air modeling. The EAW <br />Guidelines rncorporated the ISP modelirzg requirements and related S00 space threshold by reference. <br />The ISP Rules were repealed circa 2001 when Minnesota reached attainment with applicable federal <br />PaKe �z <br />