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impervious land cover and increase the amount of traff c and number of buildings. Environntental <br />effects could include increased surface runoff into the lakes with a resulting loss ojwater quality. Al! <br />rules of the Rice Creek Watershed District will be met and potential impacts mitigated through best <br />management practices when development occurs to minimize potential impacts to the lakes. <br />Potentia! environmental hazards due to past site uses, such as soil contamination or abandoned storage <br />tanks, or proximity to nearby Tzazardous liquid or gas pipelines are not anticipated. <br />10. Cover types. Estimate the acreage of the site with each of the following cover types before and after <br />development: <br />Before After <br />Types 1-8 wetlands 17.75 17.75 Lawn/landscaping <br />Wooded/forest 27.75 26.54 Impervious surfaces <br />Brush/Grassland 2.30 230 Other <br />Cropland 0.00 0.00 TOTAL <br />If Before and After totals are not equal, explain why: <br />Before After <br />25.00 24.75 <br />21.84 26.65 <br />0.00 0.00 <br />94.64 94.64 <br />11. Fish, wildlife and ecologically sensitive resources <br />a. Identify fish and wildlife resources and habitats on or near the site and describe how they would be <br />affected by the project. Describe any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid impacts. <br />A review of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources web site was completed for endangered <br />and threatened species. Minnesota's Federally Listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and <br />Candidate Species County Distribution list (see Attachment 13) showed that Ramsey County is within <br />the known or historic range of the Bald Eagle, but no known nesting sites are in the immediate area. <br />Temparary impacts on wildlife will include the disruptive effects of construction, including excavation, <br />stockpiling of soils and materials, noise, potential erosion and sedimentation, and vehicle movement. <br />Habitat may be altered by the actual e.rcavation or placement ofstockpiled earth or bedding. Some <br />small species may be forced to leave their territories within the proposed project area and compete <br />with established species in nearby areas. Larger species may be forced to relocate to portions of their <br />territories that are not impacted. Seasonal activities, such as nesting or mating, may be disrupted or <br />curtailed, depending upon the season of construction and the species. Habitat altered during <br />construction wi/l be restored to pre-existing contours and re-vegetated. <br />A review was completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife offce for the site. Its comments are included in <br />Attachment 12. According to the review, foresPed habitat surrounding both Lake Johanna and Little <br />Lake Johanna provide important nesting habitat for migratory birds such as warblers and other <br />songbirds. In order to avoid impacts to these habitats, these will be preserved as recommended by the <br />U.S. Fish and Wildlife review. If it is necessary to remove individual trees, native trees will be planted <br />following any development and as much buffer as possible will be maintained to enhance_ fish and <br />wildlife habitat, as recommended by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife review. <br />b. Are any state-listed (endangered, threatened or special concern) species, rare plant communities or <br />other sensitive ecological resources such as native prairie habitat, colonial waterbird nesting colonies <br />or regionally rare plant communities on or near the site? Yes X No <br />If yes, describe the resource and how it would be affected by the project. Indicate if a site survey of the <br />resources has been conducted and describe the results. If the DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame <br />Research program has been contacted give the correspondence reference number: _. Descnbe <br />measures to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. <br />12. Physical impacts on water resources. Will the project involve the physical or hydrologic alteration - <br />dredging, filling, stream diversion, outfall structure, diking, and impoundment - of any surface waters <br />such as a lake, pond, wetland, stream or drainage ditch? X Yes _ No <br />Pnge 5 <br />