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Roseville, MN - Official Website <br />last week's meeting packet. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the meeting for public comment; asking that <br />comments be focused on the need for an EIS; or whether the comments <br />on the EAW were accurate; and whether the EAW was complete or if <br />further, and obtainable, information was needed. <br />Public Comment <br />Randy Neprash <br />Mr. Neprash clarified that he was speaking as a private citizen and not for <br />the City's Public Works, Environment and Transportation (PWET) <br />Commission, of which he was a member. <br />Mr. Neprash referenced the memorandum by City Engineer Debra Bloom, <br />and her recommendations and comments from the last PWET meeting. <br />In the interest of full disclosure, Mr. Neprash noted that the PWET voted <br />to support the negative declaration on a 4/1 vote, and that his was the <br />dissenting vote. <br />Mr. Neprash noted that at the PWET meeting, agency and/or public <br />comments were not available, nor were they part of the consideration <br />and recommendation of the PWET, due to timing and process. <br />Mr. Neprash addressed concerns that the college be held responsible for <br />their assurances in their response to comments that they would work <br />toward ensuring that all direct and indirect discharges into Lake Johanna <br />were treated appropriately; and asked for more specific language and <br />identification by the College of those discharge locations. <br />Mr. Neprash addressed Ramsey County comments related to traffic <br />mitigation issues; College participation and proportionate or total <br />funding; and asked that specific language be included that clarified the <br />College's participation and responsibility for such mitigation. <br />Mr. Neprash addressed concerns, and a recommendation of the PWET <br />that consideration be given for payment in lieu of taxes for properties <br />outside the campus proper; since those properties had considerable <br />market value, and were removed from the tax rolls. Mr. Neprash opined <br />that this would be one of the few times the City would have sufficient <br />leverage to negotiate with the College; and that there was every reason <br />to believe that the college would acquire additional off-campus properties <br />Page 2 of 16 <br /> 09/24/2007 <br />