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Last modified
5/29/2014 9:41:27 AM
Creation date
6/19/2013 3:23:56 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
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Division of Land
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• <br />C� <br />� <br />- School District, NSP has a limited number of lighting standard dasigns. if the app icant <br />chooses one of the standard fixtures and poles, NSP will provide maintenance for the <br />-- s�reet Ii�Irts• ��eY choose light fixtures in standards that NSP does not work with, a <br />homeowners association will be responsible for street light maintenance. <br />� i •�y 1� ; i ' I � 1 y_�_ 1 � • � . 1 ' !� : � � <br />-- It is proposed that the townhome neighborhood for the project will have a homeowners <br />association. Once the project is completed, the associaiion will be governed by a board <br />== elected from people living in the neighborhood. Association fees wiil be levied against the <br />members of that association for ongoing maintenance responsibilities. Again, these areas <br />of responsibls for maintenance will include the entry island maintenance, private open <br />- space maintenance, monuments, if necessary street light maintenance, and othar amenities <br />�`.� not typically faund in developments. Homeowners Association documents must be filed <br />with Ramsey County. <br />�1� <br />The Schaol District project is extending sidewalks north to the connection with the <br />Harstad property. The connecting road through the Harstad project should also include a <br />sidewalk to connect that neighborhood and the future connection to Western Avenue to <br />the park. <br />pArk Dedication <br />Harstad Homes has presented the concept of the Townhomes of Lake Owasso planned <br />unit development to the Parks Commission. The Commission's recommendation for park <br />dedication in this matter has been cash in lieu of land. <br />Pipelin� �etb�ck <br />An Amoco underground pipeline exists along the northern edge of this proper�y within a <br />50 Foot pipeline easesment. This easement currently defines building setback requirements, <br />although the Pipeline Safety Advisory Task Force has recommended a building setback <br />that would be 100 feet from the pipeline. This recammendation is under consideration by <br />the City Council with action expected in April or May of this year. The develaper <br />understands that a recommendation in this area is pending and has tried to be respectful of <br />these concerns in the site plan. As the cross sections indicate, there are 12 units that back <br />onto the pipeline easernent. All of these units are planned to be located well above the <br />elevation of the pipeline. The closest unit would be 74 feet from the pipeline, moving <br />back to 80 feet away from the pipeline. While this is well in excess of the 50 %ot pipeline <br />easement setback, it may be short of a pending ardinance defining setbacks fram the <br />pipeline. The developer feeis this is offset by the grades in this area which, in the event of <br />a pipeline break, would carry liquid product down hi11 away florn the townhome units into <br />the ditch by the railroad. <br />2. The Planning Cornmission, at the March 8,1995 meeting, unanimously <br />recommended approval of Harstad Homes, Inc. request for concept PUD plan <br />3 <br />
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