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��� l8r <br />� <br />April 25, 2008 <br />John and Grace Rhee <br />1834 Eldridge Ave. VV <br />Roseville, MN SSl l3 <br />Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rhee: <br />.. <br />Yesterday, April 24°i, the Rose�-ille Setback Committee met to review your request for a <br />setback permit to allo«� for an addition to your home. The committee reviewed your plan <br />and noted that that you have reduced the encroachment into the setback from 5 feet to 3 <br />feet. Staff received one written comment opposing your new request and there was one <br />resident in attendance who also expressed opposition to your request for the setback <br />pei�nit. <br />In order to make a final decision, I am asking for some additional information. <br />Specifically, I would lil<e to understai�d the nature of your expansion and what it will be <br />used for. Please pi-o��ide me a drawing showing the existing layout of your home and the <br />ne��� layout if the setbaclt permit is granted. In addition, please provide a drawing of how <br />you would propose to screen the fi-ont and side yard. <br />O�ice I receive the above infonnation, I will be better infonned on your request and I will <br />mal<e the decision regarding your request for a setback pern�it. <br />Please contact me with any c�uestions you have about my request. I can be reached at <br />(651)792-7071. <br />Respectfully, <br />City of Roseville <br />Patricl< Trudgeon, A CP <br />Community Development Director <br />2660 Civic Center Drive ❖ Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-ROSE d• TDD 651-792-7399 :• <br />Recycled paper - 30% post-consumer content <br />