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�.. � <br />For instance, the proposed asphalt plant in the CUP was nzarketed to the city and public <br />as a"warm mix asphalt" facility. Yet, the company in its a��Plication and nairative does `� <br />not really say it's a warm mia plant. but rather that the "plant will be capable of <br />production of warm mix asphalt." (page 2) <br />Later, the document says "The plant will utilize technolog�� allo�vving the production of <br />warm mix asphalt.'' (page 6) <br />1�larm mix was presented as being more environmentally friendly� than hot mix. The <br />application says tlYat warm mix allows for reduced energy consumption, lo���ered <br />emissions, and the elimination af visible smoke and odor. (page 6) <br />In Bituminous Roadways testimony both to the Roseville City Council (May 18, 2009) <br />and to the Public Works, Em�ironment, and Transportation Co�nmission (May 26, 2009) <br />it almost exclusively emphasized the warm mix nature of the proposed plant, <br />Yet, the EAW circulated during the sunmier of 2010 describes the plant as a"hot mix" <br />plant at pages 3 and 4 of the EAW. <br />1t is impossible not to conclude that the application and narrative document submitted for <br />the CUP in 2009 is misleadin�. The City Council cannot be expected to approve an <br />application �vhen it contains such a fundan�entai misstatement as even to the natare of the <br />plant itself. This should lead the Council to turn down the CUP application. If the <br />company should decide ro attempt to move the proposed plant forvvard, the Council <br />should require a new CUP application. �'' <br />Item 2. CUP Application Narrative discussion on Impact on Traffic <br />The� "data" presented in this section of the CUP narrative is seriously discrepant fi•om that <br />presented in the EAW. The CUP narrative indicates, "A peak day will generate <br />approximately 250 round trip truck visits." (page 4) Further, that same section indicates <br />that, "averaged over the 8 month construction season, the facility will generate <br />approximately 120 truck round trips per day." (page 4) <br />In the EAW circulated ul the summer of 20l 0, the "Standard Production Scenario" is said <br />to generate 594 truck trips per day. (page 18) The "M�imum Production Scenario" is <br />indicated in the EAW to generate b74 vuck trips per day.(page 18) <br />So, the standard production scenario will not be 1?0 truck trips, but nearly 600 truck <br />trips. <br />The Peak Day, or Maximum Production Scenario, will i;ot produce 250 truck trips per <br />day, but nearly 700 truck trips <br />These are serious misstatements. These are not rounding errors, but rather are errors of <br />more thaTi 100 percent in each case. <br />... <br />