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� <br />� <br />� <br />Once again, it is impossible not to conclude that the CUP application and nan•ative is <br />significantly misleading. This should Iead the Council to turn down the CUP application <br />and require a new CUP application if the proposer should choose to mave forward. <br />ltem 3. Compatibilit�� ���ith Contiguous Properties <br />The anal��sis in the CUP application and narrative on this point is non existent. Tl�ey did <br />not try to determine if an asphalt plant would be compatible wit11 neighbors, but rather <br />simply said they would construct a benn and put up a fence. This completely misses the <br />point of the question. Their avoidance of analysis on this point leads one to suspeci that <br />they knew the proposed plant would not be compatible with neighbors, and to not <br />respond to tlie item in any �ueaningful manner. <br />Item 4. impact on Market Value of Contiguous Properties <br />The CUP application and narrative offers the completely unsubstantiated conclusion that, <br />`TIo impacts to contiguous property values or other property in the near vicinity is <br />expected." <br />Additionally, the CL1P Narrative actually asserts that "...the effect on the ncighboring <br />properties is expected to be neutral to positive..." <br />The basis for such an assertion is not stated. We are convinced no professional market <br />analysis was perfoi7ned. It appears now that they did zlot even have conversations with <br />^ neighboring commei•cial property owners. Their assertion that the proposed asphalt plant <br />may actually increase the market value of neighboring properties is such a haseless self <br />serving statement that it is difficult to even respond to it. <br />Item 5. �mpact on Public Health, Safety, and Genera! V1'elfare <br />Sub-items: Air �missions and Odor and Warm Mix Pa��e�nent 'I�echnolo�v <br />Multiple readings of this section submitted by the company ���ould lead to the conclusion <br />that no odor would leave the plant site. This is due, the company says, to the particles <br />��vhich carry the odor being removed and recycled back into the process. <br />This section of the CUP narrative (page � j says that the warm mix technology will <br />provide for the "eli�nination of visible smoke and odor." <br />Data in the LAVV and EAW background information clearly indicate that this not the case <br />for the prop�sed plant. The EAW backgrouild information and that presented by MPCA <br />staff at the Roseville meeting this summer clearly indicate that I-�2S will leave the <br />property. <br />Once again, it is impossible not to conclude that the Bituminous Roadways CUP <br />application ns misleading. This should lead the Council to turn down the CUP <br />a�plication and require a new Cl►P application if the proposer chooses to move fon��ard. <br />� <br />Sub-item: Noise <br />