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-� <br />Memorandum to: Kent Peterson <br />Bituminous Roadways <br />October 7, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />.-. <br />conditions with the asphalt silo and load-out drum in operation and with trucks on-sire loading <br />and hauling asphalt. The results of the noise monitoring fiom the two existing plants are <br />presented in Table I. Wenck recorded the noise levels of a aushing operation during a previous <br />noise monitoring study at a faciliry in New Brighton. The noise level generated by [he crushing <br />operation was 82 dBA at 50 feet (Tabie I) while all crushing equipmen[ was in operation. <br />nuise data from <br />Grove Heights 30 feet away — Between Asphalt <br />Drum and Silo <br />Shakopee 20 feet away - Between Asphalt <br />Monitored Noise <br />r��ra <br />79.4 <br />The noise levels from the Shakopee plant were used in noise calculations to estimate [he level of <br />noise at the proposed project site to provide a conservative estimate of future noise levels created <br />by the proposed Roseville plant. The monitored noise levels are considered "average" levels and <br />are compared to the MPCA L50 noise limits. <br />The noisc Icvcls at 250 ft inten�als from the proposed location of the asphalt silo and loadout <br />drum on the proposed project sitc are presented in F'igure l. The data displayed in Figure 1 <br />supports the conclusions presented within the EAW that tl�e proposed projec[ will comply with <br />MPCA noise standards at properties adjacent to the project site. <br />Under normal operational conditions, the noise created by the proposed project would range <br />from 39.4 to 57.7 dBA at properties within ihe industrial park (Pigure 1). T'hese values are less <br />than the MPCA Daytime and Nighttime L50 noise standard which are both 75 dBA within <br />industrial areas. <br />Thc nearest residential receptors are located ro the south of the proposed project site, <br />appro�:imately 1,500 feet from the proposed asphal[ silo and load-out drum. Noise levels <br />produced by the proposed project under nornial operating conditions would range from 39.4 to <br />41.9 dRA within the residential neighborhood south of the project site (Figure I). This is less <br />than the MPCA Daytime L50 residential noise standanl of 60 dBA and also less than [he <br />Nighltime L50 noise standard of50 dRA. <br />The proposed project will also employ a temporary mobile crushing unit nvo times a year for up <br />to a three week period each time. While the normal operations of the asphalt plant will be <br />generally from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm and may include 24-hour operations on some days if required <br />by state highrvaV projects, the operation of the crushing unit will be limited to daytime hours <br />from 7:00 am and 7�00 pm. Wenck recorded the noise levels of a crushing operation during a <br />previous noise moniroring study at a facility in New Brighton. The noise level genera[ed by the <br />T�ummm R'.i � laic Awn+il.� LlMoise'memo]OIPIPOU Eac <br />