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�. <br />Memorandum to: Kent Peterson <br />Bituminous Roadways <br />October 7, 2010 <br />Page 3 <br />crushing operation was 82 dBA at 50 feet (Table I) while all crushing equipment was in <br />operation. <br />The noise genera[ed by [he crushing operation (Table I) was added ro the noise levels monitored <br />at the existing Shakopee plant to estimate the total noise generated from the proposed project <br />when the mobile crushing operation is present on site. The noisc levels at 250 ft intervals from <br />the center point of proposed location of [he asphali silo/load-out drum and the mobile crushing <br />opera[ion arc presented in Figure 2. The data displayed in Figure 2 suppons the conclusions <br />presented within the 6A W that [he proposed project would be able to comply with MPCA noise <br />standards during crushing opera[ions. <br />The noise Icvels generated during crushing operations will range from 50.3 to 68.4 within the <br />industrial park (Figure 2}. These levels are less than the MPCA Da�nime L50 noise standards for <br />industrial areas of 75 dBA. The noise levels generated by the proposed project will range from <br />52.8 to 503 within the residential areas south of the project site (Figure 2). These levels are <br />below the MPCA Daytime L50 noise standards for residential areas of 60 dBA. <br />Noisc Monitoring of Esisting Conditions <br />ln response to comments on the FA W requesting additional information on existing noise levels <br />near the proposed project site, noise monitoring was conducted. On September 14°i, 2010 noise � <br />monitoring was conducted at four lucations near the proposed project site. There were two noisc <br />monitoring locations within the industrial park. Monitoring location tl I was located wesi of the <br />project site near the western edge of the indus�rial park and location N2 was located noriheast of <br />the project site near the railroad tracks and the Old Dutch Potato Chip factory. There were also <br />avo monitoring locations within Ihe residen4al area south of the proposed project site. <br />Moni[oring location # 3 was at the end of Eustis Court immediately south of 1-351�� and location <br />�14 was along St. Croir Street in the middle of the block, further away from the highway Ihan <br />location # 3. All four noise monitoring locations are presented in Figure 3. <br />Noise levels were recorded using Ques[ 300 noise docime[ers. The meters were placed on trip«is <br />at each location at approximately five aod a half feet off the ground to record the noise at human <br />ear level (see Attachment A) The normal operations a[ [he proposed plant will take place &om <br />G:00 am to 8:00 pm but could occasionally include 24-hour npera[ions if required for state <br />highway projects. <br />The MPCA noise standards are broken out into Daytime (from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm) and <br />Nighitime (fiom 10:00 pm to 7:00 am) standards. Noise monitoring began at each location prior <br />to 6:00 am in order to collect a minimum of one full hour of noise duta during nighttime <br />conditions (6:00 am to 7:00 am). Noise monitoring continued through at least 5:00 pm at all <br />locations. l'his allowed for the calculation of L50 noise levels at each monitoring location during <br />nighttime levels but also during morning, midday and afternoon/evening traffic and noise <br />pattems. <br />T'.aI!-Bnum.w�e R�I I]009 Pe�e.'Jle fll�NOnf�iy-]CI P�.0.06dof <br />`� <br />