� �
<br />the capacity to handle the additional truck traffic. However, the safety at
<br />nearby intersections wi]] be negatively impacted by the new truck traffic
<br />resulting from this conditional use (Staff Report).
<br />b. Impact on parks, streets and other public facilitics: The proposed outdoor
<br />storage of materials will negatively impact the neazby Gross Golf Course
<br />operated by the 17uee Rivers Park llistrict due to the quantity and type of
<br />particulate matter emissions that will originate from the various outdoor
<br />storage piles of rubble, asphalt millings, asphalt shingles, concrete rubble, and
<br />aggregatc as the emissions will impair a user's ability ro enjoy the golf course.
<br />(Sources: Lettcr dated August 11, 2010 from Chris Massey, Vice President ,
<br />UC06 Roseville MN LLC, property owner of 2501 Walnut Street, Roseville;
<br />Letter from Francis Rondini, Chestnut and Cambrone, attorney representing
<br />Old Dutch Foods, 2375 Terminal Road, Roseville, dated September 10,
<br />2010; Letter dated September 10, 2010 from Joseph Maternowski, Moss and
<br />Barnet, representing UC06 Roseville MN LLC, property owner of 2501
<br />Walnut Street, Roseville and Letter from Three Rivers Pazk System; and
<br />testimony from interested parties).
<br />a Compatibility of site planning, internal traffic circulation, landscaping,
<br />and structures with contiguous properties. The proposed outdoor storage
<br />of aggregate materials will not be compatible with contiguous properties due
<br />lo the quantity and type of pariiculate matter emissions that will originate
<br />from the various outdoor storage piles of rubble, the asphalt millings, asphalt
<br />shingles, concrete rubble, and aggregate piles as the emissions will
<br />be harmful to neazby businesses which require clean air as part of their
<br />operations. (Sources: Letter dated August 1 I, 2010 from Chris Massey, Vice
<br />President , UC06 Roseville MN I,LC, property owner of 2501 Walnut Street,
<br />Roseville; Letter from Francis Rondini, Chestnut and Cambrone, attomey
<br />representing Old Dutch Foods, 2375 Terminal Road, Rosevillc, dated
<br />September 10, 2010; Letter dated September 10, 2010 from Joseph
<br />Matemowski, Moss and Bamet, representing UC06 Koseville MN LLC,
<br />property owner of 2501 Walnut Street, Roseville; ar�d testimony from
<br />interested parties).
<br />d. Impact of the use on the market value of contiguous properties: The
<br />proposed outdoor storage of materials will negatively impact the property
<br />valucs of the surrounding businesses due to the quantity and type of
<br />particulate matter emissions that will originate from the various outdoor
<br />storage piles of rubble, asphalt millings, asphalt shingles, concrete rubble, and
<br />aggregate as the emissions will be harmful to nearby properties and make the
<br />properties less desirable for future purchasers. (Sources : Letter dated
<br />August 11, 2010 from Chris Massey, Vice President , UC06 Roseville MN
<br />LLC, property o�vner of 2501 Walnut Street, Roseville; Letter from Francis
<br />Rondini, Chestnu[ and Cambrone, attorney representing Old Dutch Foods,
<br />2375 1'erminal Road, Roseville, dated September ]0, 2010; Letter dated
<br />September 1 Q 2010 fcom Joseph Matemowski, Moss and Bamet, representing
<br />