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17. Guards for basement windows. Every basement window that is openable shall be supplied with rodent <br />shields, storm windows or other approved protection against the entry of rodents. <br />18. Building security. Doors, windows or hatchways for dwelling units, room units or housekeeping units <br />�— shall be provided with devices designed to provide security for the occupants and property within. <br />D. General Requirements <br />1. Doors. Doors providing access to a dwelling unit, rooming unit or housekeeping unit that is rented, leased <br />or let shall be equipped with a deadbolt lock meeting specifications set forth herein. Such deadbolt locks <br />shall be operated only by the turning of a knob or a key and shall have a lock throw of not less than 1- <br />inch. For the purpose of this section, a sliding bolt shall not be considered an acceptable deadbolt lock. <br />Such deadbolt locks shall be installed according to manufacturer's specifications and maintained in good <br />working order. All deadbolt locks required by this section shall be designed and installed in such a <br />manner so as to be operable inside of the dwelling unit, rooming unit or housekeeping unit without the <br />use of a key, tool, combination thereof or any other special knowledge or effort. <br />2. Windows. Operable windows located in whole or in part within 6 feet (1828 mm) above ground level or a <br />walking surface below that provide access to a dwelling unit, rooming unit or housekeeping unit that is <br />rented, leased or let shall be equipped with a window sash locking devices. <br />3. Basement hatchways. Basement hatchways that provide access to a dwelling unit, rooming unit or <br />housekeeping unit that is rented, leased or let shall be equipped with devices that secure the units from <br />unauthorized entry. <br />E. Interior Structure <br />1. General. The interior of a structure and equipment therein shall be maintained in good repair, structurally <br />sound and in a sanitary condition. Occupants shall keep that part of the structure which they occupy or <br />control in a clean and sanitary condition. Every owner of a structure containing a rooming house, <br />housekeeping units, a hotel, a dormitory, two or more dwelling units or two or more nonresidential <br />occupancies, shall maintain, in a clean and sanitary condition, the shared or public areas of the structure <br />and exterior property. <br />2. Structural members. All structural members shall be maintained structurally sound, and be capable of <br />� supporting the imposed loads. <br />3. Interior surfaces. All interior surfaces, including windows and doors, shall be maintained in good, clean <br />and sanitary condition. Peeling, chipping, flaking or abraded paint shall be repaired, removed or covered. <br />Cracked or loose plaster, decayed wood and other defective surface conditions shall be corrected. <br />4. Stairs and walking surfaces. Every stair, ramp, landing, balcony, porch, deck or other walking surface <br />shall be maintained in sound condition and good repair. <br />5. Handrails and guards. Every handrail and guard shall be firmly fastened and capable of supporting <br />normally imposed loads and shall be maintained in good condition. <br />6. Interior doors. Every interior door shall fit reasonably well within its frame and shall be capable of being <br />opened and closed by being properly and securely attached to jambs, headers or tracks as intended by the <br />manufacturer of the attachment hardware. <br />F. Handrails And Guardrails <br />1. General. Every exterior and interior flight of stairs having more than four risers shall have a handrail on <br />one side of the stair and every open portion of a stair, landing, balcony, porch, deck, ramp or other <br />walking surface which is more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below shall have guards. <br />Handrails shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) high or more than 42 inches (1067 mm) high <br />measured vertically above the nosing of the tread or above the finished floor of the landing or walking <br />surfaces. Guards shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) high above the floor of the landing, balcony, <br />porch, deck, or ramp or other walking surface. Exception: Guards shall not be required where exempted <br />by the adopted building code. <br />G. Rubbish And Garbage <br />1. Accumulation of rubbish or garbage. All exterior property and premises, and the interior of every <br />structure, shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage. <br />2. Disposal of rubbish. Every occupant of a structure shall dispose of all rubbish in a clean and sanitary <br />� manner by placing such rubbish in approved containers. <br />2009 Seasonal Inspector Handbook <br />Page 77 <br />�. .. <br />