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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 15 <br /> rent nominal fee covering that database management cost. While the HRA initial- <br /> ly provides that seed month to implement ideas, Mr. Trudgeon noted that the costs <br /> eventually end up in the Community Development Department and advised that it <br /> was vital to continue being cognizant of funding mechanisms to support those <br /> programs and functions. With the HRA continuing to support initiating those ide- <br /> as, Mr. Trudgeon suggested that it may be viable for the HRA to maintain a role <br /> in future funding for rental registration/licensing; with some things not directly <br /> impacting the levy but supported by user fees to deliver specific services. <br /> Specific to budget challenges, Mr. Trudgeon advised that the Community Devel- <br /> opment Department was also stretched thin; noting that when staff was stretched <br /> thin, their performance was impacted and some of their functions were not done <br /> as well as if more time and energy was available. Therefore, Mr. Trudgeon ad- <br /> vised that additional resources and staff would be beneficial for the moral of the <br /> department and their ultimate service delivery to citizens. While Mr. Trudgeon <br /> proposed that the Community Development Department budget remain static in <br /> 2014, he anticipated increases in part-time staff hours and/or new employees in <br /> the 2015 budget. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon specifically addressed the Community Development Department <br /> organization/succession planning and promotional opportunities, depending on <br /> whether or not he pursued the City Manager position. As the current Community <br /> Development Director, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he strongly supported the City <br /> Council's desire for incorporating economic development into the overall Com- <br /> munity Development Department structure. However, in doing so, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted the importance in succession planning to build leadership from within; not- <br /> ing that the department was very flat at this time, with few steps for employees to <br /> progress through. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the current City Planner had been in <br /> Roseville for thirteen (13) years; and the GIS and Associate Planner positions for <br /> seven (7) years respectively; with little room for advancement or promotion. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon suggested one scenario in the overall succession planning for the de- <br /> partment could be if a potential for promoting the Associate Planner position, up- <br /> on a certain number of years and good performance, to Senior Planner; with any <br /> new planner coming in at the Associate Planner level and again working through <br /> the process until a system was built up. Mr. Trudgeon opined that this would also <br /> serve to build leaders within the organization and keep employees more interested <br /> in remaining in Roseville. <br /> Regarding the capacity of future budgets as the City Council moved into how to <br /> properly fund the 2015 budget and beyond, Mr. Trudgeon noted the need to in- <br /> crease funding through finding additional options and to avoid significant impacts <br /> to the annual property tax levy. While the 2014 budget remained static with only <br /> a modest increase for inflation and personnel costs, Mr. Trudgeon advised that his <br /> intent was to plant the seed now with the City Council that future budgets should <br /> address those projected costs and applicable funding. For levy-supported code <br />