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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> In reviewing the proposed timetable, Mr. Trudgeon advised that it was staff s <br /> hope that the August 26, 2013, City Council meeting would allow for more time <br /> to review and move toward implementation of the proposed Administration De- <br /> partment reorganization as more details came forward. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that this budget proposal included three (3) new positions: a <br /> Park Maintenance Operator (Levy supported) repurposing of an existing position <br /> as a new position as Communications Manager (Communications Fund), and a <br /> new position of Environmental Specialist (funded through the City's Recycling <br /> and Stormwater Funds). Mr. Trudgeon advised that this would be a net of two (2) <br /> • <br /> new FTE's,with only one of those positions needing levy support. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed proposed 2014 Revenue Sources, including increased <br /> building license and'permit fees, increased court fines, but noted that those in- <br /> creased revenues would be offset by a decline in interest earnings. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> further noted that the Parks & Recreation Fund was expected to experience an ap- <br /> proximate $41,000 in increased fee revenue, but would also be negated to offset <br /> higher operating costs. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon that the City anticipated receipt of one-time $225,000 in Local <br /> Government Aid (LGA) from the State of MN that the City Council had previous- <br /> ly directed towards the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP)budget and not <br /> available for operating costs. <br /> Of the City's estimated $400,000 in reserves previously designated for funding <br /> the 2014 property-tax supported budget, Mr. Trudgeon strongly urged that the use <br /> of reserves be eliminated in the 2015 and 2016 budgets. <br /> With concurrence by Finance Director Miller, Mayor Roe clarified that some <br /> changes to the CIP appeared greater than initially identified in the CIP Task Force <br /> memorandum and its recommendations, but during that seven (7) year vestment, <br /> the City's debt service was being reduced and applied to and increasing the CIP <br /> accordingly. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Miller advised that even by re- <br /> purposing the debt service dollars into the CIP, it didn't make it entirely sustaina- <br /> ble, without further policy discussions and determinations by the City Council re- <br /> lated to the Pavement Management Program (PMP) and building replacement <br /> schedule; and whether to adjust those two programs over the long-term with spe- <br /> cific funding set aside or to rely on bond financing for those two major items. Mr. <br /> Miller noted that the City Council had determined in May of 2013 to not yet devi- <br /> ate from its existing plan for these two programs, continuing the existing plan as <br /> adopted in 2012 and 2013. Even though requested by Councilmember McGehee, <br /> Mr. Miller advised that he was unable to respond to her question of how much <br />