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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/9/2013 10:12:48 AM
Creation date
9/9/2013 10:12:30 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> that gap was by 2020, without refreshing his memory through further review of <br /> his records. <br /> In all fairness to Mr. Miller's recollections, Mayor Roe clarified that there was ac- <br /> tually no gap until the City Council officially changed its policy. Mayor Roe not- <br /> ed that the factors in the current CIP were addressed; but the question was what <br /> level of quality for the PMP and pathway system the City Council wanted to <br /> maintain in the future and for the long-term. Mayor Roe noted that there was cur- <br /> rently no funding for new pathways in the original CIP Task Force recommenda- <br /> tion; but that there was no gap unless the City committed to constructing new <br /> pathways; and therefore, opined that it wasn't fair to ask Mr. Miller to quantify <br /> that gap. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that of those items, it included the current need <br /> for replacing buildings because the City previously chose not to maintain the ex- <br /> isting structures. Councilmember McGehee further opined that the City currently <br /> had no policy or fund to maintain the buildings, even though they now had a <br /> software program to track them; while also making the commitment to install ad- <br /> ditional pathways beyond the existing 75 miles, with no fund for repair or mainte- <br /> nance. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that this was not a true statement; advising that all existing <br /> pathways were incorporated into the CIP at this time as well as those planned <br /> through the Park Renewal Program, even though those new segments represented <br /> a small number of miles compared to the broader Pathway Master Plan. Mayor <br /> Roe further noted that the City included pathway and parking lot maintenance un- <br /> der annual levy funding. <br /> With Councilmember McGehee suggesting further discussion of maintenance ex- <br /> pectations of residents for existing assets, Mayor Roe suggested that an addition- <br /> al question is how confident the City Council was for continued funding and at <br /> what available portion of that funding through Minnesota State Aid (MSA), and <br /> whether it would continue to adequately fund the PMP, as those funds were not <br /> sustainable, and had actually been reduced in the recent past. <br /> In referencing 2013 Budget memorandums from staff dated July 22, 2013, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten identified $20,000 savings for the HRIS acquisition as a one- <br /> time item; reduced funding of$80,000 needed in 2014 for Fire Relief Fund obli- <br /> gations; and questioned how that money figured into this budget recommendation <br /> as well as that targeted for 2013 staff merit pay. Councilmember Etten sought <br /> clarification if those dollar amounts were part of these recommendations or where <br /> those funds could be identified. <br /> Finance Director Miller advised that some of those dollars represented operational <br /> savings (e.g. $80,000 decline in Fire Pension obligations in 2014) that served to <br />
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