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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Councilmember Etten clarified that there was a mutual agreement with the Board <br /> of Water Commissioners allowing for them to cross city-owned property in that <br /> vicinity. <br /> Mayor Roe further clarified,base on his confirmation with staff last week, that the <br /> City had granted the Board a permanent access easement across city-owned prop- <br /> erty,predating the Purchase Agreement with other terms. <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, approval of an Access Permit Agreement (At- <br /> tachment B) between the City of Roseville and the Board of Water Commission- <br /> ers of the City of Saint Paul; and authorizing the Mayor and Interim City Manager <br /> to execute the document. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte; McGehee; Willmus; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> f. Approve St. Paul Board of Water Commissioner's Wholesale Water Con- <br /> tract Revisions <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, approval of Agreement No. 02-13496-1 <br /> Amendment No. 1 (Attachment B) to Contract for Water Services between the <br /> Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Roseville (Attachment B); and au- <br /> thorizing the Mayor and Interim City Manager to execute the documents. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte; McGehee; Willmus; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 8. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br /> c. Consider Interim Use for Corpus Christi Church <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Interim City Manager Trudgeon briefly summarized <br /> the request as detailed in the RCA dated August 19, 2013; with concurrence by <br /> City Planner Thomas Paschke. <br /> Mr. Paschke further advised that the best location for the temporary structure was <br /> determined to be as close as allowable under Building Code regulations to allow <br /> restroom access from the temporary building to the main (church) facility via <br /> ADA ramping and fire code stipulations as outlined by the City's Building Offi- <br /> cial. While plans remained pending as to the actual location of the temporary <br /> structure as plans become finalized, Mr. Paschke advised that the preliminary re- <br /> view by the Building Official had indicated that it should be located up to 30' <br /> from the main structure. Until final building plans are submitted to the City by <br /> the applicant's architect, Mr. Paschke advised that the actual location remained an <br /> unknown, but was anticipated as close as 20', but at a maximum of 30' from the <br />