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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19, 2013 <br /> Page 4 <br /> main structure. Mr. Paschke advised that the greatest distance would still provide <br /> for an approximate 110' setback from adjacent residential properties. <br /> A brief discussion among Councilmembers and staff included differing fire rating <br /> standards for free-standards and those attached to existing structures, whether <br /> temporary or permanent in nature. <br /> Mr. Paschke advised that a representative of the applicant was available at to- <br /> night's meeting for any questions of the City Council or public. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Ed Cunningham, 1857 W Eldridge (south of Corpus Christi Church) <br /> Mr. Cunningham noted that while one of his concerns with drainage from this <br /> temporary structure had been discussed at the recent Planning Commission meet- <br /> ing, he also had issues with the proposed location of the structure. As he had <br /> stepped off the distance from his property line to the school, Mr. Cunningham <br /> stated that it will only be a setback of 106' if placed 30' from the main structure. <br /> As noted at the Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Cunningham opined that the <br /> student roster was pushing closer to 300 students, with the area for outside play <br /> located directly to the south, and with the slope of the ground, it would look di- <br /> rectly into his backyard. Mr. Cunningham opined that the structure was too high, <br /> too close to neighbors to the south, and would result in too many kids playing on <br /> the slope adjacent to residential properties, especially during winter months; and <br /> therefore significantly affecting the quality of life and adding to general conges- <br /> tion for those adjacent residents. Mr. Cunningham expressed preference that the <br /> applicant and City explore flatter areas on the site, referencing the former use by <br /> Waldorf of an area west, or suggested a small section of the parking lot on which <br /> to locate the temporary structure. Mr. Cunningham opined that the bathrooms <br /> were located in the middle of a hallway in the main structure, and therefore their <br /> proximity would be no further away if the temporary structure was placed on the <br /> north side. In general, Mr. Cunningham opined that the proposed temporary <br /> structure was too big, too long, would be located on site too long, and would add <br /> to the general congestion of the immediate area. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he had taken the opportunity to walk the <br /> site earlier today, and had discussed the drainage issues raised at the Planning <br /> Commission meeting with City Engineer Bloom as well. In his review of the pro- <br /> posed stormwater mitigation plan developed by Ms. Bloom for runoff from this <br /> structure, Councilmember Willmus opined that the plan will prove satisfactory. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that there was an underlying problem in this area <br /> further to the south that the City had taken and continued to take steps to remedy; <br /> and that those steps would continue in the future to correct the overall drainage is- <br /> sue. Councilmember Willmus further opined that the City Engineer's plan that <br /> incorporated drain tile for this structure would mitigate any additional runoff cre- <br /> ated from this temporary structure. <br />