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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2013 Agendas and packets
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November 20, 2013 <br />Item 5.b.a <br />January 15 Community Conversation <br />will be helping facilitate the discussion at their table and taking detailed notes on the notepads provided. <br />Give them the following facilitation tips: <br />• If participants get off topic or spend too long on a single story or issue, gently steer them <br />back to the question being discussed. <br />• Ask to hear from people who haven't yet spoken, but don't force people to participate. <br />• When people mention a specific incident where they felt welcome or unwelcome in their <br />community, ask for details. Try to get basics: when the incident occurred, where it <br />happened, who was involved (relationships or positions if not names), and anything that <br />happened as a result of the incident. <br />• Try to take notes as close as possible to what people are actually saying. Don't summarize. <br />• Remember to participate yourself! <br />Conversation agenda: <br />6:30 -6:50 pm: Sign -in, food, "What's in a Name ?" activity <br />• As people sign in, they should be given a name tag and asked to get food and find a seat at a <br />table. Encourage people to sit near someone they don't know. Let them know they can learn <br />about each other by answering the questions on the "What's in a Name ?" sign on their table. <br />• At the tables, Commission members and volunteers should lead people in the "What's in a <br />Name ?" discussion as the table fills. <br />• If tables are filled unevenly, try to ask people to move so that there are no very large or very <br />small tables. <br />• MC will make an announcement reminding people of the activity and announcing the start time. <br />• Activity: What's in a Name? <br />Objective: To allow participants to get to know each other better. <br />Instructions: Ask participants to share the story behind their name with their group. They can <br />use the following questions on the handout as prompts: <br />• Where does your name come from? <br />• Do you like your name? Why or why not? <br />• Do you know the meaning of your name? <br />• How did you get your name? <br />• What nicknames have people given to you? <br />• Does your name hide or show your heritage? <br />6:50 -7:00 Introductions <br />
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