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(d) Any other detail as may be specified within the related Task Order. <br />11.4 Unless otherwise defined in the Task Order, invoices are due and payable to <br />the Provider within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice by the Recipient. An <br />invoice may be disputed within the thirty (30) day period. Any Provider - proposed <br />resolution will restart the thirty (30) day period for payment, without waiving the <br />Recipient's rights to dispute resolution under Section 5. <br />11.5 Invoiced amounts may be changed upon mutual consent of parties pursuant <br />to Section 10 and each affected Task Order. <br />11.6 Disputes regarding invoices that cannot be otherwise resolved, the parties <br />agree to follow the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section 5. <br />SECTION 12 - PERSONNEL <br />12.1 Assigned staff. Provider shall designate the personnel to provide services to <br />the Recipient. Recipient reserves the right to review the qualifications of personnel <br />providing services under this Agreement, and to make recommendations regarding <br />placement of such personnel for the benefit of Recipient. <br />12.2 If the Recipient believes that the performance or conduct of any person <br />employed or retained by the Provider to perform obligations under this Agreement is <br />unsatisfactory for any reason, or is not in compliance with the provision of this <br />Agreement, the Recipient will notify the Provider. The Provider will establish a plan <br />to resolve the issue within a deadline a g r e e ab l e to the Recipient. I f a mutually <br />acceptable solution can not be reached, the parties agree to follow the dispute <br />resolution procedures set forth in Section 5. <br />12.3 Access to Recipient facilities. The Recipient, depending on requirements of <br />the Task Order, in its sole discretion, may approve any Provider employees <br />requiring access to any Recipient facility. Should Recipient refuse access to any <br />Provider employee attempting to act in accordance with this Agreement, the <br />Provider shall not be held in breach of this Agreement as to the Services affected. <br />12.4 Staff substitution. In the event that Recipient notifies Provider that it wishes <br />Provider to replace an employee of the Provider providing services to Recipient, <br />Recipient and Provider shall meet to attempt to resolve Recipient's concerns. If the <br />parties are not able to resolve Recipient's concerns within ten (10) days after <br />Recipient's notice to Provider (or such later date agreed upon by both parties), <br />provider shall exercise reasonable diligence to honor Recipient's requests to replace <br />the staff member. <br />12.5 Background checks. As may be required by the Recipient and the requirements <br />of a Task Order, the Provider shall be responsible for conducting a background check <br />