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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2013 <br /> Page 18 <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller clarified that maintenance costs had al- <br /> ready been programmed into the 2014 numbers for the fire station; but the park <br /> improvements had yet to happen, so that additional maintenance burden had not <br /> been addressed, and any additional funds should be little if any in 2014. Mr. Mil- <br /> ler concurred that those costs needed to be addressed for future budget cycles, and <br /> as noted by Mayor Roe, also in long-term CIP programs. <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurred with Councilmember McGehee's concern for <br /> the need to fund ongoing maintenance of facilities. With regard to park im- <br /> provements, however, Councilmember Willmus opined that the City Council <br /> could not go down the path of not doing so, and take steps to prevent that from <br /> happening. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the CIP Task Force had rolled a number of Park improve- <br /> ment items into the Park CIP going forward to account for them in tracking <br /> throughout the City. Once the Renewal Program cycles through, Mayor Roe not- <br /> ed that there would be expiring bond issues (e.g. City Hall and Public Works <br /> buildings) that could be repurposed to fund those adequately. Mayor Roe noted <br /> that the Task Force had also recommended including subsequent levy increases in <br /> the 2017 to 2019 time frame to deal with those current unknowns. Mayor Roe <br /> encouraged that the institutional knowledge of those recommendations and their <br /> rationale needed to be clearly carried forward to future City Councils and staff. <br /> While most entities look at a five year CIP, Councilmember McGehee noted that <br /> the longer-term projections became less accurate the further out they were. How- <br /> ever, Councilmember McGehee reiterated that the City Council was choosing to <br /> reduce what was initially determined for that CIP need within the first 2 years of <br /> the program, while capital improvements continued to be added and paid for with <br /> public funds and becoming part of the asset management program, causing the <br /> program to fall short at the very beginning, and supporting the previous historical <br /> pattern of unsustainability. Councilmember McGehee opined that this needed to <br /> continually brought home and decisions kept upfront for the citizens to uphold fu- <br /> ture City Councils to keep the pat that had been set. <br /> Mayor Roe note that, for at least 2015, this sitting City Council was the future <br /> council. <br /> Councilmember Etten clarified that the $225,000 used this year was not from re- <br /> serves, but being paid by local government aid; with concurrence by Mr. Miller. <br /> Councilmember Etten spoke in support of making sure the CIP was fully funded. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his ongoing struggle as addressed at previous <br /> meetings related to proposed wage adjustments, basing his concern on the Octo- <br /> ber market compensation adjustment, and the proposed 2% COLA for 2014, mak- <br /> ing that figure significantly outpace inflation over the last two years by 3.25%, <br />