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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2014 Agendas and packets
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />November 20, 2013 — Draft Minutes <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />226 gettin� the word out to fellow Somalis. Chair Grefenberg thanked Mr. Keynan for his <br />227 willingness to assist the Commission in these endeavors. <br />22g <br />229 Chair Grefenber� �'��° �''���r'�r��'���� suggested staff see e€if the Oval was available on April <br />230 16 as this would allow for a larger number of people to attend the naturalization event. There <br />231 was a consensus to move the venue from the Council chamber to a lar�er space, and Ms. Curti <br />232 stated she would check the availability and report back to the Commission. <br />233 <br />234 Commission Business Cards: Chair Grefenberg e� reported he had met with City <br />235 Manager Trudgeon vesterday where �e thev discussed the idea of HRC business cards. He <br />236 reviewed a proposed layout for these business cards and noted he spoke with Commissioner <br />237 Groff regarding this matter. If the Commission agreed, he stated he would like to proceed with <br />23g the business cards in 2013. He €e�said-the business cards �e would be an important tool for <br />239 the Commission *^ �° T�'�°� *n���� *^ r° ^'� ^��* *^ *'�° ^ ��*T� if it was serious in its efforts <br />24o at outreach to the broader communitv. <br />241 <br />242 Commissioner Thao suggested the additional language at the bottom of the business card be <br />243 removed. <br />244 <br />245 Ms. Curti reported she could create a draft card and forward it to the Commissioners for review <br />246 prior to printing. She noted Youth Commissioners could not have their number or address <br />247 printed on �e their business cards. <br />248 <br />249 Vice Chair Brisbois questioned how many business cards would be ordered for each <br />25o Commissioner. Chair Grefenberg stated this �would-be determined by each commission <br />251 member and the cards would not have to be ordered in 500 box increments. <br />252 <br />253 <br />254 <br />255 <br />256 <br />257 <br />258 <br />259 <br />Commissioner Thao recommended the Commission set a budget for the business cards and then <br />have the cards printed accordingly, to ensure that the expense would remain within budget. <br />Chair Grefenberg moved and Commissioner Thao seconded a motion to authorize the printing of <br />business cards for the HRC Commission members at a cost not to exceed $150. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />260 Other Items: Chair Grefenberg recommended the Civic Engagement Task Force begin meeting <br />261 again, and advised the Commission that he would implement the Commission's previous <br />262 authorization of an a�reciation event for its Task Force members. <br />263 <br />264 He ex�lained that since the Citv would soon be hirin� a Communications Mana�er it seemed <br />265 opportune to reactivate that Task Force since manv of its 2012 recommendations revolved <br />266 around im�rovin� Citv communications with its residents. He also said he had a sense that the <br />267 Council in the next few months would be addressin� the issue of establishin� a separate Civic <br />268 Enga�ement Task Farce and other issues addressed in the Task Force's Re�ort. <br />269 <br />
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