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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20, 2014 <br /> Page 10 <br /> for being allowed to be involved, which he fully support, he noted that it <br /> fortunate that other property owners yet recognizin th <br /> frus- <br /> tration. <br /> ers were also not here, was un- <br /> g eir Mayor Roe clarified that it was not the intent to be prescriptive, <br /> Council was interested in hearing thoughts of developers if it was zoned 100%as <br /> office of some scale, limited production, retail, or residential but only in �% <br /> areas, depending on lower density residential or not such an intensive use by <br /> certain <br /> Langton Lake. <br /> Mr. Rancone opined that he thought the entire area should be one use, CMU,someone came forward with a development proposal the Council <br /> could simply say , and <br /> P Y y yes or no, even though there may be legal ramifications in doing <br /> so (e.g. asphalt plant). <br /> While eager to develop Twin Lakes, Mayor Roe noted that the City Counci <br /> already on record stating that type of proposal wouldn't fly in this area. 1 was <br /> Mr. Rancone recognized that the City may not want an asphalt plant, but there <br /> were certain types of industry they did; however, he opined that it may not be <br /> necessary to be so prescriptive per block and allow feedback from the develop- <br /> ment <br /> community or market survey people for ideas, then decide when the time <br /> comes. Mr. Rancone noted that the City hadn't had to worry <br /> last twenty years. rry about that over the <br /> Mayor Roe opined that the perception of the City being too prescriptive by <br /> letting certain uses develop on certain parcels, was not accurate when other ar- <br /> cels and uses remained wide open. However, Mayor Roe concurred that a mark et <br /> study could change from one decade to another. p <br /> Mr. Rancone questioned if a master developer buys in the purple or oran e ar <br /> with two different uses, was he going to have a battle. g eas <br /> Mayor Roe opined that, if in the purple and orange areas, if the uses were clear <br /> and defined, they should be easily understood by the development community, <br /> with no ensuing battle if aware of uses and not trying a use not permitted. <br /> Mr. Rancone opined that, if certain development was allowed on certain acrea <br /> but not others that developer would locate elsewhere. g <br /> e <br /> Councilmember McGehee summarized Mr. Rancone's comments indicating that <br /> rather than uses that were permitted or not permitted across the board, a more use- <br /> ful thing would be what was definitely not wanted(e.g. asphalt plant, major truck- <br /> ing terminals, stripper joints, etc.), Since what was not wanted was a smaller lis <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if that was his intent to tell developers what <br /> p at <br />