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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> was not a permitted use and otherwise let their developments be fitted to the area; <br /> to which Mr. Rancone responded affirmatively. <br /> Mayor different Roe opined that this was no different than what he <br /> ways to say it. e was suggesting, simply <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mayor Roe suggested <br /> ver- <br /> sus five colors geographically to accommodate the larger development communi- <br /> ty's request for a broader picture. <br /> Dan Regan, Roseville-based commercial developer — Launch Properties — <br /> with their office located on Fairview and Highway 36; and owning a 20-acre <br /> parcel on County Road C between Fairview and Snelling Avenues <br /> Mr. Regan noted that his firm had been monitoring the situation in Twin Lakes <br /> for the last twenty years as well, and was familiar with and not outsiders to the <br /> events and battles over the years. <br /> Speaking in general, Mr. Regan looked at the Twin Lakes planning district from a <br /> long-term phased approach for development. While time could be spent guidin <br /> subdistricts to uses or unpermitted uses, Mr. Regan suggested g was ex- <br /> ercise at the City Council and staff level and what made the most sense. Howev- <br /> er, at the end of the day, Mr. Regan opined that it would be the market that deter- <br /> mined the development, using the Sherman project, the first apartment complex <br /> built in Roseville in over twenty years and serving as a nice test for the market. In <br /> noting where that firm decided to locate the complex, he noted their considerate <br /> of main arterials and backing up to Langton Lake, a consideration <br /> high density, senior housing type � great spot for that type of <br /> g ype development, opining that they would work well <br /> together from his perspective as a developer. <br /> However, Mr. Regan further opined that there were other uses that would <br /> work there, such as evidenced with CSI proposal from Colliers representing the <br /> Dorso site and recent competitions with other metropolitan communities for the <br /> CSI which subsequently proved unsuccessful. Mr. Regan expressed his apprecia- <br /> tion to staff and the City Council for their assistance and support for the proposal, <br /> and the potential of that use making sense for that site. Mr. Regan noted that they <br /> were selected as the lead developer and had become aware of that deal through <br /> the marketplace as they researched who was looking in certain areas and their in- <br /> terest and focus. Mr. Regan noted that they were looking for high visibility to the <br /> freeway— a perfect market case study— and at adjacent ies and <br /> Mr. Regan opined that housing would not ave made sense onTthat s te;tand uses.r <br /> worked around Langton Lake, that area made perfect sense for housing or a larger as he <br /> corporate office use. Mr. Regan noted that other sites were found more favorable <br /> (e.g. NW Quadrant in New Brighton and in Brooklyn Park/Highway 610) to pro- <br /> vide that billboard presence and visibility. <br />