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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mr. Rancone noted that this is a possibility; but only his opinion, and sometimes <br /> consultants were worth their value and other times not; referencing his lack of <br /> it l <br /> support for the overlay j district and building location consulting work, opining that <br /> was a ot money ust wasted. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that not everyone felt that way. <br /> Mr. Rancone noted that it could be debated whether or not it was well-spent tax- <br /> payer money; however, before going too far down that line on prescriptive uses, <br /> he suggested a "think tank" seeking other opinions. Mr. Rancone opined that the <br /> development had been hardened by a number of things, and would remain a citi- <br /> zen that these decisions would impact, no matter what happens. However, Mr. <br /> Rancone suggested that the main thing is if the City Council goes down the same <br /> path for another twenty years, it seemed even more futile. Mr. Rancone opined <br /> that a much more productive path would be to change public perceptions based on <br /> realistic versus personal opinions and based on professional advice <br /> of what will <br /> work and why it hasn't worked before, as well as incenting new ideas.Councilmember Willmus recognized the frustration of the development communi- <br /> ty when every few years the target gets moved. However, from the other end <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed the City's willingness to get into a collabora- <br /> tive planning process; and questioned if that was something property owners <br /> would buy into and take ownership in the process and end results. Councilmem- <br /> ber Willmus questioned if a consultant came forward, would there be buy in from <br /> property owners. <br /> Mr. Rancone spoke in support of a collaborative effort, opining that most com- <br /> munity development or redevelopment efforts in today's market place seemed to <br /> involve public/private partnerships. However, if the City Council was only repre- <br /> senting residents and not the commercial community, Mr. Rancone advise that the <br /> end result of such a collaborative effort needed to represent all parties instead and <br /> allow all opinion, with the end result being an unknown until those discussions <br /> were completed. Mr. Rancone opined that it was important for everyone to feel <br /> like they were part of the process and could share their opinions, similar to the <br /> open discussion tonight and inviting developers to participation. However, Mr. <br /> Rancone noted that previous discussion had moved fast before tonight without in- <br /> volvement by developers. <br /> While there was nothing specific now, Mr. Rancone advised that retail brokers <br /> were not looking for large retail areas now, but may come up with several adja- <br /> cent properties; and even though no one wants to mention the dirty word `big <br /> box," which he didn't consider fair, it would serve as another step to produce an- <br /> cillary uses once constructed, which would in turn drive other developers. While <br /> it remained up to the City Council to decide, Mr. Rancone expressed appreciation <br />