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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20, 2014 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mr. Rancone agreed with comments that, if it was too prescriptive, it was oin <br /> down the same path as in the past. Mr. Rancone questioned who knew what the <br /> market place was going to be, and it wasn't about the semantics of retail square <br /> footage, but required self-reflection on what has cause the problem in the past and <br /> how to do things differently versus only creating the latest iteration of a design. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed interest in Mr. Rancone's oin t of view; and <br /> shared her personal point of view and that of her constituents, in clarifying that <br /> p <br /> tax increment financing (TIF) districts did not increase a tax base for the Cit or <br /> School District for a number of years. Y <br /> Mr. Rancone clarified that it was held at bay for a limited time period; and Mr. <br /> Trudgeon specified the sixteen years remaining in this TIF District before it ex- <br /> pired. <br /> Councilmember McGehee reiterated that the payback was not instant; and that a <br /> lot of infrastructure improvements had already been installed an paid for by tax- <br /> payers. Councilmember McGehee further noted the traffic and congestions con- <br /> cerns for people living in that area and going forward as developers want high generators there. In reviewing the seasons and traffic studies at County C intersections with Cleveland, Fairview and Snelling, the studies indicate a <br /> significantly low rating already without Wal-Mart even being open yet. When <br /> people say they don't want retail, Councilmember McGehee suggested that they <br /> may be comfortable with small retail with housing above, the intent of the CMU <br /> District, and were not in opposition to retail in general, but on a smaller scale that <br /> would serve the community. Councilmember McGehee questioned how Mr. <br /> Rancone and the development community would see that scenario going forward <br /> to be amenable to them and provides the City with an opportunity to reflect on <br /> problems already evidenced in the area. <br /> Mr. Rancone responded that, while everyone had a personal opinion, someone <br /> more in tune with the market place (e.g. brokerage community or Maxfield Re- <br /> search) and more expert in the field could and should voice what they thought <br /> made sense, what was practical and realistic in today's market place. While flex- <br /> ibility was needed for any future developer, Mr. Rancone noted that this was ex- <br /> actly what was being talked about with Costco —offices and residential —moving <br /> up Twin Lakes Parkway. However, Mr. Rancone noted that today's market no <br /> longer allows such small shops to be financially feasible, opining that this was not <br /> a Grand Avenue or 50th and France, and did not share the same demographics as <br /> the City of Edina did. Mr. Rancone opined that there needed to be a balance: <br /> what people want but how to realistically accomplish it. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if Mr. Rancone would suggest taking all <br /> developers and pooling resources to hire Maxwell to provide a more professional <br /> opinion that currently known. <br />