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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 27 <br /> Mr. Miller responded that the budget had been packaged in just about every way <br /> possible to-date; and while he was familiar with the visual dashboard, he found <br /> that residents needed things in a more simplified format than the City Council de- <br /> pending on their financial background. However, Mr. Miller opined that such <br /> simplification didn't do justice to explain why and how their property taxes may <br /> increase. Mr. Miller advised that his research and networking with other cities <br /> indicated budget formats and information all over the board; with little consisten- <br /> cy and often personalized per municipality. Mr. Miller noted that of utmost inter- <br /> est to staff was to encourage the City Council to let staff know what information <br /> packages they found important, and what they needed to make good budget deci- <br /> sions. Even there, Mr. Miller opined that there was little consensus on that, and <br /> staff continued to struggle what information and when to provide it to get individ- <br /> ual responses back to staff to develop the City Manager-recommended budget. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested one charge to the Finance Commission may be to review <br /> budget documents of other cities, and from that point of view, make recommenda- <br /> tion on what they found the easiest format or content to work from and provide <br /> feedback to staff during the process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recognized staff's frustration and that while he'd seen <br /> budgets in many forms, there were individual Councilmembers looking for specif- <br /> ic pieces of information or formats. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested that the dashboard format may not be helpful <br /> when discussing a budget, it could prove helpful as the year progresses to be able <br /> to see actual expenditures and revenue to budget projections. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that his easiest way to understand the budget was when an <br /> overall financial summary of the City was available, showing all expenditures and <br /> revenues and then organizing the budget by funds broken down by function. <br /> When more detail was available, Mayor Roe stated that he found it more helpful, <br /> and the deeper the review, the more detailed notes could become; allowing for <br /> both the big picture and other information available throughout the process. <br /> 15. City Manager Future Agenda Review <br /> City Manager Trudgeon reviewed upcoming meeting agendas, anticipating that the <br /> Closed Session to discuss the Mounds View Hamline property would probably be de- <br /> ferred to March 24, 2014 due to other agenda items. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested including a follow-up with the Finance Commission for April 21; <br /> and then schedule other joint meetings with advisory commission going forward. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte in cleaning up ordinance language for con- <br /> sistency with other commissions, Mr. Trudgeon suggested April 7, 2014 as a good oppor- <br /> tunity to consider those. <br />