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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/27/2014 2:35:00 PM
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3/27/2014 2:34:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 10, 2014 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Ms. Zoff advised that during a recent two-week vacation starting February 8, <br /> 2014, her family who was checking her home during that vacation had found the <br /> home to be without water service on February 13, 2014, which had been reported <br /> to the City and a crew had responded in a few days, with a supposedly successful <br /> remedy. However, Ms. Zoff reported that, upon next checking the home on Feb- <br /> ruary 21, 2014, there was again no water, and it was reported to the City, with <br /> crews not responding until February 28, 2014. Ms. Zoff noted that the crews had <br /> reported there appeared to be no problem to the curb box on the property line, but <br /> pipes appeared to be frozen from the property line to the street. Given the poten- <br /> tial liability to hire a welder at her own expense, Ms. Zoff advised that she refused <br /> to attempt that type of solution. <br /> Ms. Zoff referenced several comments made by Mayor Roe during his most re- <br /> cent State of the City Address related to City crews and storm clean-up from <br /> summer storms, and the significant amount of money spent on those clean-up ef- <br /> forts. Ms. Zoff plead with the City Council to find a solution and provide water <br /> service to those currently experiencing this lack of City water service, a much <br /> more important service than tree limb removal in her opinion. Ms. Zoff asked <br /> that the City Council reconsider their recent vote regarding participation in solv- <br /> ing this issue for all affected Roseville residents beyond sending out City crews. <br /> Carol Zoff, Daughter of Ms. Zoff Ms. Zoff enhanced the comments of Ms. Zoff <br /> , stating that their request was simple: to please review the City Council policy to <br /> revise responsibility for a functional public water system to the property line ver- <br /> sus the water main as currently written, and make the valve box the responsibility <br /> of the City in that right-of-way. <br /> With her mother's water line having frozen long-term, the speaker advised that <br /> the freeze-up had been found twice to be in the valve box, and expressed concern <br /> on her family's part because no further corrective had yet to be provided. The <br /> speaker expressed concern that structural damage may have or may be occurring; <br /> in addition to the health issues for her elderly mother as she attempted to address <br /> normal living needs, for the last three weeks now and perhaps longer yet into the <br /> future, and have some quality of life beyond rotating staying at the homes of her <br /> children in the area. <br /> The speaker opined that her mother should not be held responsible for right-of- <br /> way infrastructure of the City; and asked that the City Council consider a revision <br /> of this nomenclature. The speaker referenced research performed by Mayor Roe <br /> with half of those cities he researched taking responsibility of the water line to the <br /> valve box or property line, and asked that the Roseville City Council move toward <br /> that majority if the law allows such responsibility to the water main. Otherwise, <br /> the speaker further opined that the current system was not proving sufficient and <br /> transfers risk and financial responsibility to the homeowner who has no right to <br /> the property within the rights-of-way. Beyond that larger step, the speaker asked <br />
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