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<br />Joan Jacobson, Oxford Street, said the parks should be left as is. Roseville should <br />be quiet. Go to the shopping centers and place the Center there. <br /> <br />Shelly Lonski, Dellwood Avenue, asked if the Fire Station was too small for <br />current equipment. Regarding the phone survey, when and where was it done. <br />Where would parking be accommodated for new uses? Parking and traffic are <br />too much for the area and Howard Johnson should remain open space. How can <br />parks be kept as open space? Can smaller areas be designated for uses, such as <br />license bureau? Could the improvements be in different parts of Roseville? <br />(Spread throughout the City). <br /> <br />John Kysylyczyn, 3083 North Victoria, stated that excessively high taxes are also <br />detrimental. He expressed concern about the information sent to residents. He <br />was concerned with the quality of and process for gathering public comment. <br /> <br />Ann Berry,1059Woodhill Drive, asked ifthere was a rush to complete the <br />project? No priorities have been established. There is a huge waste of central <br />space for public works. Why are some parks included, other not included. <br />Where would the garage go? Will there be focus groups? Why is no one from <br />the Task Force from the neighborhood? There is plenty of retail in the <br />neighborhood that is empty. Why more? Why is there reference to religion and <br />"public housing"? The pathways concept is more than 20 years old and it is not <br />opposed. <br /> <br />Five minute break. <br /> <br />Al Kehr, 988 County Road D, provided historical background on need for <br />planners and architects. The 4Q.year planning horizon is too large. He opposed <br />the Oval; it does not pay for itself. There is only a need for one downtown - <br />Rosedale. There is no need for "stone corners". The City needs professional <br />planners like John Shardlow and Howard Dahlgren. <br /> <br />George Reiling, Heinel Drive, noted that he has land which he intends to <br />develop. <br /> <br />Becky Sorlein, DelIwood Avenue, expressed support for retaining the open space <br />and parks. <br /> <br />The parks should not be taken away. The neighborhood is turning over with <br />small children. Do not put retail in the City Center because there are other <br />vacancy spaces. <br /> <br />Mildred Roesch, 1000 Woodhill, asked for details regarding the residency of the <br />members of the Task Force. She questioned the cost of the Task Force study. <br />She felt the draft report was not professional. Use only the land that the City <br />owns, but do not develop the parks. <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />