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Attachment F <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />From: Mike Busse <br />Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 1:13 PM <br />To: Bryan Lloyd <br />Subject: Re: 297 - 311 Co. Rd. B. <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />City of Roseville <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br />Good day to you Bryan, <br />My name is Michael Busse and I am the homeowner of 275 County Road B. <br />To let you know, I am not necessarily opposed to this possible development, but I do have some real concerns and <br />reservations about the future yard drainage coming from those sites proposed. <br />Because of the at present drainage situation, I do not want to be receiving ever greater increases of runoff directly to my <br />property where it would then pool to soak in; this water coming from impervious runoff from varying storm events and <br />also snow melt. <br />Additional drainage would not normally or likely do harm, but my property does not properly drain to flow elsewhere as <br />I believe it is supposed to. It just doesn't. The rearmost area seems inches lower for any drainage, and literally is land <br />locked due to ground topography. The adjoining properties (State owned and the easterly neighboring property, seem, <br />for whatever reasons, higher on elevation. My concerns are for vegetation and trees to survive imminently wetter <br />conditions from this project. Also my concern is with greater mosquito populations that will birth in my own back yard. <br />I have already been burdened with considerable out of pocket expenses; taking down trees that started to die or <br />become dangerous because of wet feet. In short, I simply do not want to be adversely affected from additional <br />drainage. <br />Question for you Bryan. Do you know if a full topography survey exists for the whole of this property including the <br />adjoining property portion of subject land along 36 and as it abuts mine? <br />Please contact me and we can together take a look. <br />Thank you Bryan. <br />Respectfully, <br />Mike Busse <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />