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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14, 2014 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe opined that such a review would serve as a good discussion of the <br /> bodies at their next joint meeting. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that several aspects of the summary report were <br /> of interest to him: the two-way communication by the government and related to <br /> outreach efforts, and accessibility to public officials, whether the CEC or City <br /> Council; and how to create a mechanism for people to reach those serving on <br /> commissions through the website or e-mail or phone options. Councilmember <br /> Willmus expressed his interest in hearing the thoughts of the CEC on that. The <br /> other area of interest expressed by Councilmember Willmus involved the website, <br /> as he had previously alluded to; and recommendations of the Task Force and how <br /> to move forward. <br /> From his personal perspective, Mayor Roe stated that it would be easy to identify <br /> everything in the report as important, as the report provided some prioritization it- <br /> self, and he wanted to remain deferential to that; but asked the CEC to review <br /> those priorities in their role as advisors to the City Council, while respecting the <br /> document itself. <br /> Member Grefenberg opined that the way the CEC proceeded was influenced or <br /> directed by the ordinance; and while not representing the citizens of Roseville, <br /> their role was to make it easier for them to represent themselves. Member Gre- <br /> fenberg opined that part of that was working in collaboration with staff; and he <br /> saw his role as one of a resource to the City Council and staff, to avoid either par- <br /> ty from being blindsided by new proposals, but to be given a heads-up when <br /> things come up. Member Grefenberg further stated that he hoped the way the <br /> CEC worked could provide an example of what civic governance should be like <br /> in Roseville; and with the Task Force summary report listing the paramount need <br /> for clarity between the CEC and the City Council, and the CEC and staff, he im- <br /> plored the City Council to pursue that same dynamic manner of communication as <br /> he was currently experiencing with Communications Manager Bowman and City <br /> Manager Trudgeon, expressing his appreciation for having that level of liaison <br /> support in the upper echelons of the Administration Department. <br /> Specific to the CEC's charge, Member Grefenberg noted that they had no identi- <br /> fied budget; and questioned if funding would be available for events or programs <br /> the CEC may wish to sponsor in the future with approval by the City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, as with all things done by the City that would be ad- <br /> dressed on a case by case basis by the City Manager or City Council as applicable <br /> at that time. <br /> Member Grefenberg noted the CEC's desire to engage other residents in their <br /> work, particularly those candidates for the CEC who were not appointed; and <br /> questioned if the City Council had any objection to doing so. <br />