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2014_0508_CE Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Community Engagement Commission
2014_0508_CE Packet
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29 Council member Jason Etten: Agreed with previous comment. He said Item A{Staff RCA <br />30 to the Council} was important to him [Item A: Review and recommend opportunities to <br />31 collaborate with neighborhood, community, educational, business, and social services group <br />32 and organizations]. He commented that improving the City's open dialogue with these groups <br />33 on how the city could benefit them and they the city, and how we might find volunteers for <br />34 them, thus nurturing that relationship. As an example of that he mentioned the Northeast <br />35 Youth and Family Services. <br />36 Etten also noted his interest in Item D[Review and recommend ways to improve the City's <br />37 communication efforts, both printed and electronic, to facilitate effective two-way <br />38 communication between the City and its residents, businesses, community and neighborhood <br />39 organizations including making information available in multiple languages.] <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />53 <br />54 <br />55 <br />56 <br />57 <br />58 <br />59 <br />We have some people who e-mail the Council once a week, but the vast majority don't almost <br />ever contact the Council; we don't have a regular dialogue with the average person, unless we <br />are 'burning fires in their backyards. He would like the Commission to explore other tools for <br />the community to regularly communicate with the Council, in order to create a back-and-forth <br />positive dialogue. He included the business community in this, he added. <br />Council member McGehee: I see you as a policy group, not as an implementation group. <br />Helping to organize and point out ways to engage our community. She did not see the <br />Commission as necessarily implementing projects, but as reviewing and recommending <br />strategies to engage our community. <br />She added she would like the group to move beyond the Civic Engagement Task Force Report, <br />and not to push forward that document, but to move beyond that report and work on other <br />policy issues. <br />[Commissioner Theresa Gardella arrives.] <br />R02: Looks at the Commission as stewards of the Task Force Report's recommendations. He <br />did not see the Commission setting aside that report and moving on to other things. In addition <br />to that report there may be other things we do. The recommendations are valid and important <br />things for the City government to focus on. Your group is the steward to make sure those <br />recommendations see fruition, as in all likelihood they will require council action. <br />Referred to Item F[Advise the City Council on the community's visioning process] under the <br />Commission's Duties and Functions—a function he had added to the Ordinance. I don't think <br />60 you need to initiate a visioning process or update in month one or year one. He also referred to <br />61 the Council's Aspirations which was an attempt to summarize the major themes of Imagine <br />62 Roseville 2025. He would like the Commission to look at that 2025 vision and figure out ways <br />63 that these aspirations and Imagine 2025's Vision inform all the Council's decision-making and <br />64 are in the forefront of the Council's communications with the community. He indicated that <br />Summary of Commission Joint Meeting with the Roseville City Council pg. 2 <br />
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