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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 24,2014 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mr. Paschke clarified that, currently there is no way available to limit those set- <br /> backs under City Code, and that this requested action would provide that protec- <br /> tion for existing adjacent single-family properties. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Paschke confirmed that changes <br /> for this specific GMHC project could have been accomplished under a PUD; he <br /> questioned if it would address problem areas in City Code that had become evi- <br /> dent in reviewing this first-ever proposal for such a development from GMHC. If <br /> similar developments were to occur elsewhere in Roseville, Mr. Paschke opined <br /> that it would prompt necessary modifications at that time as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she agreed with the row home setbacks; <br /> however, she questioned if changes were needed for other potential pocket neigh- <br /> borhoods, based on potential impacts to other neighborhoods. Councilmember <br /> McGehee expressed her support for this GMHC development and the entire pro- <br /> cess; however, she was not happy in taking things needed for this very well- <br /> designed project and spread it throughout the community. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon recognized that a combination of several different medi- <br /> um density land uses within one development was unique; however, he noted that <br /> this revision would apply city-wide and was a direct result of a more fine-tuned <br /> analysis by staff as it reviewed the GMHC proposal and whether City Code ade- <br /> quately addressed those issues in other areas of the community as well. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon noted that, while the 2010 Code provided illustrations and possible ide- <br /> as, it couldn't adequately address each and every concern. While the City may <br /> never have another development with a similar mixture, Mr. Trudgeon asked that <br /> the City Council carefully consider each housing type — whether row homes, at- <br /> tached homes, or courtyard housing— separately, and outside the Dale Street Pro- <br /> ject. Mr. Trudgeon opined that staff was recommending what they felt were bet- <br /> ter standards for use throughout the City of Roseville. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that Councilmember McGehee raised a good <br /> point, whether the City Council was comfortable with these changes city-wide for <br /> Medium Density Residential (MDR)housing. <br /> Based on the proposed increase from 30' to 45' for rear yard setbacks for every- <br /> thing other than multi-family housing, Councilmember Willmus requested back- <br /> ground from staff in recommending this increase. <br /> Mr. Paschke advised that part of the concern was raised a couple of years ago by <br /> Mayor Roe for areas where residential uses were moving from higher to lower <br /> density. Mr. Paschke stated that it was staffs opinion that a greater setback <br /> should be in place for a massed apat tinent complex versus a less dense application <br /> (row homes or townhomes) in an MDR District. While the proposed 45' was not <br /> a huge increase, Mr. Paschke opined that it would serve to greatly reduce poten- <br />